Breaching (Criminals #2 pt. 2)

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Vikk's POV

I stared at the green light on my computer screen as the alarms started wailing.

"We're in, guys!" I said, nodding at the others.

"Let's go!" JJ yelled, pulling on his mask and throwing open the driver's door, Ethan and Harry following. They ran up to to the back of the building, shotguns and pistols at the ready. I got out the backseat of the car and ran to the driver's seat, getting in and starting the ignition, driving off.

Tobi's POV

I heard the alarms start wailing as the guards started panicking. I stepped back from the guard I had been talking to and kicked him in the face, knocking him out. The other people in the bank started screaming and yelling, phoning the police.

Obviously, I had been wearing a disguise so they wouldn't be able to identify me. I reached behind me and pulled my mask from my back pocket, pulling it on. I charged past the others, to the vaults. I hoped the other boys hadn't been stupid enough to forget my gun again...


We ran towards the bank wall, Ethan already pulling out the bomb we were going go use to breach the wall. He stuck it to the wall, then ran back.

"Get down!" He yelled. We all ran backwards and threw ourselves to the floor. Ethan pressed the button to blow it up, and the bricks flew apart. We got up and ran forward, towards the vault. There were quite a few guards running and shooting at us, so we left a lot of bodies. When we were almost at the vaults, we ran into Tobi, who joined us.

"You got my gun?" Tobi asked.

"Uh, no..." Harry said.

"Not again! Gimme your pistols." Tobi said to Harry and Ethan, as they were worse shot than me. Harry and Ethan gave him their pistols and ammo. We ran faster, still shooting, trying to get there before the cops appeared.

After a few minutes of running, we finally reached the door to the vaults. I took out the drill and handed it to Tobi. He knelt down beside the door and got to work.

Josh's POV

I looked down the street, noticing the flashing blue and red lights approaching. There was an explosion from the bank. JJ, Harry and Ethan had breached the back wall. The police got closer, and I started shooting tyres.

Tobi's POV

I had managed to drill into the vault door, and we were in. JJ went first with the drill, then Ethan, then Harry, then me. I was shooting backwards, using Harry's shotgun. Suddenly, men in black filled the passageway.

"Police!" I yelled, stopping and shooting, Harry and Ethan stopped too, joining me. We crouched behind some crates and shot at the SWAT team. They were going down fairly easily, and it was going quite well, until I felt a blindingly hot pain in my stomach, and blackness clouded my vision.

Ethan's POV

Tobi cried out in pain and fell backwards, onto me.

"Tobi's down!" I shouted. I looked him over, searching for the wound.

"Oh shit!" Harry whispered.

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