part fourteen

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Atticus was sitting in her room when everything happened. It was as if the walls had caved in around her. It was as if the floor was sinking and consuming the home. She could remember the sound of her heart beating in her ears when she heard the thunderous crashing of their door. She remembered hearing her mothers cries and pleas and her fathers shouts for the intruders to spare his family. She remembered the sinister laughter that seemed to come from everywhere around her.

She remembered the blinding green light that came along with the killing curse. Atticus began running down the stairs as quick as her legs could carry her, her wand at the ready. But, no amount of classes or spells could ever prepare her for the sight of her parents dead bodies on the floor. Nothing could ever ease the pain of seeing her fathers lifeless eyes and her mothers beaten body. Atticus couldn't think in the moment. She felt her body fall in shock, her eyes welling with tears and sobs erupting from her mouth.

Atticus didn't remember who sent a stunning spell her way, or who was carrying her, but before she lost consiousness, she heard a gruff voice saying

"Quickly, they are waiting for us at the manor."


Harry and Ron struggled to escape from the dungeon at the bottom of Malfoy Manor. Ron tried his best to kick down the gate that held them in the damp dungeon. Harry was talking with Luna, who was informing him of the changes in Hogwarts. She told him about the rebellion and everything that the D.A. had accomplished while there. She was about to tell him about Atticus, but a heart shattering scream floated through out the air. Ron began violently trying to break down the door, wanting to help Hermione, who was being tortured.

But, another sharp and strong voice shocked the hostages who were listening to Hermione's deafening cries of pain.

"LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU MONSTER! USE ME INSTEAD." Atticus shouted loudly, trying take Hermione's place. There was lots of commotion upstairs, but in the dungeon, Harry's mind was in shock.

"Is that-"

"Atticus." Harry breathed out cutting off Luna. His heart was racing as her name slid off of his lounge. The sound of someone coming down the stairs pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed in relief, pulling the limp girl away from Wormtails struggling arms. Harry ran at Wormtail and tackled him to the floor, taking his wand while doing so. Ron held Hermione close while trying to examine her arm which had the words "mudblood" carved into it. Hermione sobbed into Ron's chest, mumbling incoherently.

Screams sounded from the manor and Harry reacted immediately. He rushed up the stairs and sent spells in each and every direction. Ron and a lagging Hermione were right behind him. Dobby soon came to their rescue and Harry scooped an unconscious Atticus off of the floor. But, before they could leave, Bellatrix took one last risk and threw a small dagger their way. Dobby apparated them away before anybody else could be hurt in the manor.

Or so he thought.


Harry laid on the beach outside of shell cottage, next to Atticus who was still unconscious. His head raised and he looked around searching for Ron and Hermione. They were getting up a little ways away from them. He turned his head and saw a small figure laying unnaturally still. With a horror struck face, Harry ran the figure and fell onto his knees next to them. Dobby laid, struggling to catch his own breath. Bellatrix's dagger was embedded into his stomach, ensuring a fatal outcome for the small elf. Harry begged Hermione to help him as he cradled Dobby's frail body in his arms. He begged for someone, anyone to help him.

"It's so beautiful than alone . . ." Dobby rasped out.

". . . with you here as friends. Dobby is happy . . . that may be with his friend . . ." Dobby paused and struggled to inhale. ". . . Harry Potter." Harry cried silently as Luna stepped forward and shut the house elf's eyes.

After the small burial Harry had for Dobby, he walked back to Shell cottage. His heart was shattered with the loss of the small house elf, but this was soon slightly healed when he saw her. Atticus sat with Luna, Ron and Ron's brother Bill. They talked, but Harry noticed that Atticus had a far away look in her eyes. He noticed a scar stretched from the top of her eyebrow to the top of her lip. Anger had flooded through him when he thought of someone, anyone putting their hands on her.

But, anything that he felt in that moment soon faded away when Atticus turned her head and met his eye. Almost instantly, tears sprang to her eyes and she rushed to Harry. She wrapped her arms around his neck and connected their lips. Tears fell down Atticus's cheeks as Harry returned the kiss with just as much passion and need as she did. He held her tightly in his arms as she held onto him as if she were to let go, he would slip away like sand through her fingers.

"I love you so fucking much. Don't ever leave me again." Atticus cried softly into his shirt.

Harry let a tear slid down his cheek as he hugged her tighter. "I will be here, forever and always. I love you, Atticus." Harry whispered to her, kissing the top of her head.



lol let me know what yall think of this chapter! i love reading yalls comments!

until next time


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