Chapter 23

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Hey guys. sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry for the wait, I really do feel bad. So obviously tonight is the day before halloween, and I'm pretty excited. Tomorrow in theater we are having a mini party and I'm really excited. I'm also going out with my friends (free candy, why not?) and me and my friend are being ceiling fans, but not the ordinary kind. we made shirts that say " Go ceiling!" and stuff like that, get it? we are fans of the ceiling, so we're ceiling fans. Anyways I hope you enjoy,

Back at my house, I snuggled into Harry's warm body as we cuddled in bed.
"You do now you're aren't off the hook right?" I asked him quietly. He needed to know that what happened wasn't right at all. Harry lied to me about how we met, and I wasn't going to not do anything about it.
"Yes, believe me I know. Also believe me when I say I was so wrong. I was wrong for not telling you about it sooner, and for even planning on going through with it. I want you to know that you can trust me, and that everything that has happened between now and then has all been true. I mean every word I say" Harry told me.
"I-I" I can't form a sentence, I just don't know what to do. Should I forgive him and pretend everything's okay, or should I do what I know is right and keep my distance?
"Look, I know what I did is inexcusable, but will you give me another chance?" he spoke, interrupting my thoughts. How can I say no when he's begging me like this?
"Yeah, I will give you another chance, but just one. I'm not forgetting what you did" I returned. His face fell when he heard the last part.
"But, I think we can move past this. Things aren't going to become normal again, but I definitely still want to continue this relationship" I continued. After I said this part, however, Harry's face lit up.
"Thank you so much Chloe, I know I can be an ass, but that doesn't mean I don't love you"
He pulled the thick covers of my bed over us, instantly warning up my body. I resisted the strong urge to cuddle with him, I know I still have to keep up some kind of distance, I can't give in that easily. I turned in the bed, facing the opposite way of Harry. It was a very long, dramatic day and there was nothing else I wanted more than sleep at this moment. I snuggled into the warm bed, closing my eyes and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Just as I was about to drift off into sleep, I felt Harry's cold arm wrap around my body, pulling me into him. How can I keep my distance when he keeps acting this way?

******* morning

I woke up to the bright sun of an early October morning. I didn't even have to get up to know that if I took this warm duvet off of me and the snoring cheeky vampire boy who stole my heart over there than I would be freezing. Groaning, I did it anyways and my long fuzzy cat covered pajama pants were not warm enough to face the cold October day.
"Did you really have to do that" Harry snapped. Geez, he wasn't a morning person.
"That tone isn't going to get you anywhere" I retorted, reminding him I didn't forget about what happened.
"Sorry babe, I'm not a morning person" he rasped in the sexy morning voice I loved.
" So I was thinking maybe we could go to a party tonight? After all, it is the day before halloween" he smiled at me cheekily.
I sighed again, notice I've been doing this a lot recently. I threw my crazy bed head hair into a messy bun, securing it with a black hair elastic before answering.
"Yeah, I'm up to it. Who's party is it?" I questioned, making sure my hair looked okay in the mirror of my vanity. Yeah I know, I put it in a "messy" bun and I'm checking it, call me crazy.
"My friend Alex's. I think you have biology with him or something?" he said, placing his hands on my hips. I jumped a bit, not knowing he was that close. He chuckled, obviously amused by my reaction.
"Harry! Don't do that!" I scolded, whacking him I the arm.
"Ow! That hurt!" he cried, earning an eye roll from me.
"When is it, I need to know when to get ready" I asked, spinning around to see his face.
"I'd say 7 ish, since it takes years for girls to get ready" he groaned. That earned him another whack by the way.

*********** before the party

I ran upstairs, escaping Harry and the popcorn covered couch. After we woke up, we decided to chill and just watch movies until we had to get ready for the party. I ran into the shower, before placing a brand new plum colored three quarter lengthed dress that had sparkly gold detailing that went around my waist. It was form fitting, but ended mid - thigh so it covered more than the average girls dress. I turned the shower on, sticking my fingers in every few seconds to make sure it was just the right temperature. Gingerly, I placed my feet in, and my body followed into the hot water. Honestly I needed this hot shower to clear my minds and relax my high-strunged nerves. I grabbed my apple shampoo, lather it up in my hair, enjoying the crisp apple sent. I followed up with a matching conditioner to make my hair silky soft. while that settled in I washed my body and shaved so my legs look nice in my new dress. After a few more moments of just enjoying the hot water, I turned the shower off and stepped into the steamy bathroom. I quickly grabbed a purple striped towel, wrapping it around my slender body. Another towel got wrapped around my soaking, dark brown hair as I started looking for my clothes. unfortunately, knowing me, I left them in my room. Sighing and crossing my fingers that Harry isn't out there I step outside the bathroom. Harry probably is busy doing something else anyways, right? Wrong. Cursing myself in my head, I clear my throat, getting his attention on me. He looked up at me from his phone, blushing as he saw me in only a towel. God, this is so embarrassing.
"Can you hand me my clothes please?" I ask, pointing to the pile I set aside. My face must've been bright red, my cheeks felt hotter than Taylor Lautner. He quickly grabbed the pile, giving it to me.
"There you go" he said awkwardly. I quickly said thanks before running back into the bathroom to change. Making sure the door was looked first, I drop my towel putting on my underwear. Oh god! Instead of the normal underwear I put there, there was a black lacy bra and matching panties. I instantly felt my face heat up, slipping them on quickly. After that, I pulled the tight plum dress on. Looking in the bathroom mirror, I had to admit the dress looked really good. The gold sparkly beading at my waist made my waist look skinny and flattering. Black heels and gold jewelry would compliment it nicely. For my makeup I did a simple smokey eye with a nude lip, swiping a clear gloss over it. As I waited for the curling wand to heat up, I put some of my essentials in a golden clutch. The clear gloss, my phone, mints, and some cash filled the cute clutch. After getting everything together, the curling wand was finally warmed up. Because of me being accident prone, I wore the stupid protective mitt that came with it. Twenty minutes later my hair was curled to perfection and the party was going to start in a half an hour. I quickly turned the bathroom light off ( make sure you do to save electricity and be Eco friendly!) and grabbed my clutch.
"You look beautiful" harry smiled at me. I swear right them and there I melted into a puddle.
"Thanks" I said, blushing for what felt like the tenth time that day.
"You don't look too bad yourself" I told him, and I wasn't lying. He was wearing a dark t shirt, black jeans and white converse. His head was adorned with a black bandana and he wore his signature paper airplane necklace.
"Shall we go now?" He asked, checking the time on his phone.
"We shall" I replied, giggling.

A fifteen minute car ride and we were in front of a very big house littered with girls in very short dresses and solo cups. As Harry helped me out of the car, I couldn't help but notice the strong scent of alcohol.
His cold hand grasped mine as we walked into the large house. Right when we entered we were offered drinks but we both kindly denied. Not too long after, a drunk blond haired boy came up to us.
"Hey Harryyyyy! Glad you could make it!" he slurred. Wow is he wasted.
"Hi Alex. This is my girlfriend, Chloe" Harry said, introducing me. I couldn't help but notice Alex's eyes look me up and down as I awkwardly leaned into Harry.
He wolf whistled at me, earning a blush on my cheeks.
"Mate, she's a girl not a dog" Harry snapped, obviously mad at Niall. A smile creeped up onto my lips. I think its cute how he is protective of me like that.
"Chill mate, I just think she's hot" at this Harry pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around my waist. Alex stumbled off somewhere else, grabbing a red cup on the way.
"Well that was... interesting" I spoke the nicest thing I could think of.
Harry, still fuming, just huffed in response. This made me slightly annoyed, he didn't need to take it out on me if he was mad at Alex.
A person carrying multiple cups walked past us, giving one to me and Harry. Harry hesitated before drinking the alcoholic beverage.
"Come on Harry, loosen up" I said, nodding towards the red cup.
" I guess you're right" he grumbled, tossing his head back and swallowing the liquor. I mirrored him, the liquid burning my throat as it went down. It felt good, and before I knew it I was leading Harry to get more. Drink after drink, we kept downing them. My throat felt numb, and after about eight, all I wanted to do was dance. Taking Harry's hand, I led him where all of the other dancing, drunk, teenagers are. I immediately started swaying my hips to the beat, letting the music takeover. It felt good to let everything go, almost addicting. The base dropped and I felt the young vampires hands on my hips. We were moving perfectly in sync, the fast song guiding our hips to move. Harry pulled me closer, his hot breath laced with the heavy scent of liquor. I knew we were drunk beyond words, but I honestly didn't care. We are young, and we can do anything. I moved closer to the brunette, if that was even possible. They heavy beat is infectious, like a magnet pulling people together. I threw my hands up in the air, giving a carefree laugh. Harry smiled at me, chuckling to himself. The song picked up, and I found myself moving my hips along Harry's. He pushed my hips to his, and he made circular motions with his hips. The air was hot and thick, filled with the heavy beat of the music. I grinded my hips into his, causing a silent moan to escape his pale lips. I placed my lips on his, his moan filling my mouth. His hands went to my butt, cheekily pinching it as I gasped. He deepened the kiss, the air around us hot and steamy. The beat filled the air, along with moans from the curly haired boy in front of me. I broke the kiss, playfully running from him. I laughed, never feeling this carefree. I started dancing again, throwing my hands in the air and moving my hips. My mind was lost in the song, and I danced almost as if it was an instinct. Hands were once again placed on my hips, and I didn't have to guess to know they belonged to Harry. He pushed me into him, my backside facing his chest. We stayed like that for what felt like eternity, moving our hips to the crazy beat.

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