Chapter 73

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**Fred’s POV**


I escape upstairs to Alithea’s room. She’s not asleep, just lying in bed making swipes at the mobile hanging above her.

“Hey little one,” I coo, leaning over her. She looks up at me for a moment and then goes back to the mobile.

Good to know I’m interesting.


I flinch as I hear Maddie’s voice from downstairs. Alithea rolls onto her tummy and stands up, holding onto the side of the crib.


She stares at the door, waiting.


“Mummy!” Alithea calls.

“Mummy’s talking to Daddy,” I tell her quietly, “we have to wait.”


I quickly cover Alithea’s ears. She shakes her head away.

“Up!” she demands. I pick her up and sit down in the armchair in the corner.

“Today has not been a good day for our family,” I comment. Alithea squeezes my face and laughs.

“Of course, when you’re this young you don’t have to worry,” I continue. Alithea pulls my hair and squeals in delight at the face I pull.

Apparently pain and suffering amuses her. Maybe Maddie won’t be the death eater in the family.

“I can’t deal with this!”

I hear Maddie walking up the stairs and leap to my feet and then sit down again. I repeat this a few times with Alithea giggling madly.

“Here, Fred, I’ll take her,” Maddie says, walking in.

“It’s okay,” I say, jumping up again, “I’ve got her.”

“Okay,” Maddie says. There’s a long awkward pause.

“Were you there when Vanessa came in?” Maddie asks. I nod, feeling guilty for some reason.

“Did you see the boy? Was he like George?”

I think for a moment.

“He had red hair and hazel eyes, but honestly, different shades, and really, no, he wasn’t like George at all,” I pause for a moment, “or like Vanessa for that matter.”

Maddie nods slowly.

“Where’s George?” I ask.

“No idea.”

“He’s gone?”

“Uh huh,” Maddie nods, “I guess he needs space.”


**George’s POV**


Okay, I know I did exactly what I’d told Maddie off for doing when I just disapparated, but I just need a minute to breath. I disapparate to the field where we used to play Quidditch. It’s familiar, like a little piece of home.

I lie down in the middle of the field and look up at the stars. I never did very well in astronomy, but I know a few constellations, so I spent an hour picking out the ones I know. I feel a little better after this exercise, but still restless, so I get up and disapparate to the outskirts of Hogsmead. I think about sneaking into the grounds and causing some trouble, but I realise that the security would be very tight now. Instead, I walk up into the mountains. After what seems like a minute and a year at the same time I find a small cave and duck into it. It’s empty except for some bones and old newspapers in one corner. I look at my watch. It’s one in the morning. I decide to stay here for the night.




When I wake up the next morning I roll over to wake Maddie. I brush my fingers down her rough, bumpy back and-

My eyes fly open. I jerk my hand away from the pile of bones with a shudder. I climb to my feet and dust myself off. I’m about to disapparate home when a thought hits me.

While I’m out and about, why don’t I do some exploring? I’ve always wanted to go to Switzerland…

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