Chapter Sixteen: Tad's Wife and Magical Roses

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~Bill's POV~

As we were walking towards the large square castle, I couldn't help but look over at everyone. To think that these people, minus Will, Jill, Blair and the kids, were filled with the exact same determination and hope whenever my Weirdmageddon happened. It made me very happy to know that it wasn't me that they were trying to kill.

"Everyone nervous?" Mabel asked, gripping the grappling hook tightly.

"Well, duh! We're going up against a purple cracker demon, Mabel." Jill stated.

"Jill, there's no need to be rude." Ford said to my sister.

She sighed, "Sorry, I'm just nervous."

"Jilly-bean, we've faced up against other demons and the townsfolk of Gravity Falls! We've got this!" I cheered, giving her a smile.

Jill smiled back, pushing back her golden hair. "Yeah, I know. But this is Tad Strange we're talking about! You and him used to bring chaos everywhere."

"I know, but I've changed. I just wish he could've too...." I replied.

"But he did, didn't he? When he married Toby's mom?" Winter asked, holding a shield as Will stated close to her.

"Death can make you go back to your old ways." Will replied to his daughter.

We all stayed in silence as we continued to walk, as if we were in some zombie video game. Until Diana Belle broke the silence.

"You know, Toby used to tell me all these stories about his mom and Tad." She brought up.

"DB, no offense, but is this the best time to bring this up?" Preston asked rudely, which resulted in him getting slapped in the arm by Pacifica.

Our daughter stopped us but standing in front of all of us. "No, think about. Mom and dad fell in love which cause dad to change to a good man. Maybe if we can let him see that-"

"Forget it, golden girl! If his own son can't figure out how to get him back to normal, than nothing can!" Robbie yelled. God, he still made me wanna punch him in the face.

"But what if we can see that what he's doing is wrong?" Dipper asked, turning around to everyone.

"Maybe. If what you both are saying is true, it could work. But didn't you say he really loved Poppy?" Ford asked, thinking.

"Love? Love...." Blair whispered as she looked like she was about to explode.

"What is it, Aunt Blair?" Diana Belle asked curiously.

"I have an idea!!!" Blair squealed before running back to the shack.

"Now, but we're off to go fight!" Stan groaned, obviously wanting to kick Tad's square butt.

Soon enough, Blair returned with some roses in glass cases in her hands. Each box contained two roses, which different colors; One case contained a dark blue and gold rose, another with a purple and a gold rose, another with a pink and light yellow rose, another with a light blue and purple rose, another with a light blue and one with a black rose, and a purple and a red rose.

"What's this? Is this from our garden?" Jill asked, staring at them.

Blair sat the six cases out on the ground. "Yes. But they're not like the other roses. They each contain each of our families relationships."

I looked at the dark blue rose and the golden rose. "I'm guessing that this is mine and Dipper's?"

"Exactly! And notice how all of them look. If the love is powerful, then it continues to bloom and it never dies." Blair explained.

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