I'm Gonna Hold You To That

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Wanda, Marlena, and Bucky all occupied Greyson's living room. Bucky was fast asleep on the couch, while Marlena and Wanda sat together in the love seat, their attention on the large flat screen television hanging on the wall. They felt content, more content than they had in the last several months. After being away for so long, they were finally back home with the people they loved, though at the moment there was one person missing.

Marlena was waiting rather impatiently for her little brother to make an appearance. He still hadn't returned home from whatever it was Greyson said he was doing—which Marlena hoped was football—and Marlena was growing more and more anxious as the time passed. She missed her brother more than anything, and she wanted nothing more than to be able to see him. The fact of it almost pushed her to head to his school just so she could see him, but Greyson didn't think that would've been very wise.

"I've finally rearranged the bathroom," Greyson's voice sounded from the stairs. "All of my bath bombs are in a beautiful display above the sink."

Wanda shot him a look as he ventured into the living room. "I thought it was mostly women who used the bath bombs."

Greyson chuckled and moved to sit down in the recliner at the opposite end of the room. "Bath bombs have no gender, Wan."

"Does Mason use bath bombs?" Marlena asked with a raised brow.

"No," Greyson said with a shake of his head. "He doesn't like the way they sparkle."

Marlena snorted and looked back to the television. "That's very wonderful, Greyson."

Greyson wasn't given the chance to respond before the front door burst open, attracting the attention of Marlena, Wanda, and Greyson.

"Sorry I'm late getting home, Greyson," a voice called out to him.

The voice—which Marlena knew to be Mason—startled her, as it was slightly deeper than she could remember it being. The mere sound of it made her hate that puberty existed. Her brother was growing up and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not.

"How was practice?" Greyson called back with a smirk on his face.

Mason appeared in the living room a split second after that, but he wasn't alone. He stopped, however, when he noticed his sister and Wanda, both of whom seemed very happy, yet very shocked to see him. He had changed phenomenally in the past three months, which was very noticeable. It brought tears to Marlena's eyes, though they were shared with her happiness due to finally being able to see him.

"Marlena?" Mason spoke quietly.

Marlena smiled and nodded before standing up and running over to him, wrapping her arms tightly around him. Greyson hadn't been lying when he said Marlena was now the smallest in the family either; Mason was now roughly five inches taller than she was, though he was still much smaller than both Bucky and Greyson.

"I'm so happy to see you," Marlena said as she hugged him.

Mason chuckled and hugged her tightly, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. "I'm happy to see you, too."

Marlena pulled away from him and smiled before turning her attention to the brunette girl standing behind him. She stood with a small smile on her face as she looked at Marlena, and though Marlena immediately knew who she was because of her abilities, she decided to introduce herself anyway.

"I'm Marlena," she said sweetly. She was trying to hide the fact that she was thoroughly displeased with her presence; there was a bad air about the girl that Marlena didn't like, especially not for her brother. She was just glad she, as well as Wanda, could sense it.

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