#1 Request: Dragon

93 21 48

Before I show you the pic I got a question:
Can you tell me a happy song that you like? Please? Music is my drug and right now I need something to make me happy...
I'm really down and you'd do me a great favor...
(I doubt anyone read this cuz who cares bout me?)

Also, please understand if I start posting real sad and/or gory pics, maybe even ones that include death. Everything that's happening right now to me really puts much weight on me.

Please don't leave me. I don't think I could handle more loss, now that everything around me is crubling down and breaking...

Now to the pic.

I will never, never ever draw on Din-A3 ever again..... never.....
It's horror, pure horror....

but I finished epicalleb's request! I drew a dragon, just like you asked me to....
This took forever... maybe an hour or two? Or three?

Hope you like! (that damn positioning of the damn wings ..... ;-; )

 ;-; )

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