◇ the endings of an end

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DECEMBER 12, 2017

jeon jungkook stands in black, with the rest of bangtan and some of his high school classmates. her father in cuffs, tears falling from his eyes.

"we are here to mourn the death of song yina." the priest said, into the silent air.

she is dead, they say. killed herself, tired of life.

he lifts his head, to see his surroundings when a few grave stones away, he sees a woman, with short hair, big hat and a thin body. he looks closer and she spots him looking at him, and gives him a smile to which he gets startled and shakes his head. when he looks back, there is no one there.

everyone puts their head down, praying as they mourn. he feels a presence beside him, and he feels scared to turn around and see.

"jungkook," it's the girl, the short hair. thin body. yina. hyeseok. dead. alive. se hides her face with a big hat. "here's to a new life." she whispers, squeezing his arm lightly.

before jungkook can turn around to catch her, she's gone.

as if she was never there.


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