47-♪- You're the Reason I Come Home

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                          ♪-Chapter-47 "The Last Chapter". Edited only once, beware.

Eight Months Later. New York City. November.


                         I finger the manila letter within my fingers, the rough and scratchy surface worn through with months of touching.

                         Five words lie sprawled against the paper saying: To the end of time

                         I gingerly set it down, taking a deep breath before taking a sip of my coffee.

                         I stand by the window, the sun brushing gracefully against the tip of the buildings adorning New York.

                         The air was crisp with the sounds of honking and just life bustling through the streets.

                         It was unusual for me to look out the window and see the whole world right in front of me.

                         I zip up my jacket, the small brick apartment I had rented feeling colder and lonelier than ever.

                         It’s just been me and this hole of a “house” for eight months.

                         Setting my coffee down, I glance at the letter, unable to resist the urge to open it and read it one last time.

                         When I first received the letter seven months ago, I thought it would be easier somewhere down the road for me. I thought it would get easier-this separation.

                         It hasn’t.

                         I slip out the thin sheet of paper from the envelope, Teegan’s chicken scratch handwriting cover the page.

                         The ink had bled through the page in some spots and near the corner; there was a coffee stain.

                         Just as my eyes brush over the words to the girl inhabiting my mind,

My phone rings, making me jump.

                         “Hello?” I ask, slightly out of breath, my heart racing.

                         My shoulders fall in disappointment as the monotone voice fills me in.

                         “Yeah, I’ll be right there,” I murmur, slipping on my bag and stuffing my feet into boots.


                         School dragged on for hours-quite literally.

                         Since Blythe, Zach, Trey and Tro all got into UCLA, this left me all by myself across the country.

                         Now, they still called and skyped me but regardless, it was different for me.

                         They weren’t here with me.

                         He wasn’t here with me.

Finding Aria (Wᴀᴛᴛʏ Aᴡᴀʀᴅs 2013)Where stories live. Discover now