Chapter 12

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Ditching the stolen car in an empty alley, I texted Damon to tell him I was at the grill. When I got in there, I saw him ordering drinks. "Hey." I called whilst walking over to the bar.

"Now what's the problem with Stefan or whatever?" he asked.

"Silas is pretending to be Stefan. he said the Stefan is dying over and over again until he needs him." I informed a tired looking Damon. "What's wrong with you?"

"Why would there be anything wrong?" he asked.

"I dunno. Can you listen! Damon, Silas is back." I moaned. He didn't believe me.

"Right, whatever. Stef's fine. He always is." Damon downed the rest of his drink and walked away.

What the hell! how could he be like this? "Damon Salvatore listen to me right now?!" I grabbed his shoulder and span him round. "He's back! he's after me! And I'm fucking scared!"

"What am I supposed to do, Mads?" he spat helplessly. "I'm on my own now, no Stefan, no Elena, no Ric." he flinched slightly when saying Ric.

"Damon, I knew it's hard. Everyone you love is gone. Trust me, I know how that feels." I said still having my hand on his shoulder and looking into his eyes. "But you are going to have to deal with me now. I get it, you hate me, I'm boring, I'm a constant reminder of Elena and all that but we need to find Stefan!"

Damon didn't look away, he just sighed. "I don't hate you. we just aren't great friends." He smiled then.

"So what are we gonna do?" I just became aware of how close me and Damon were standing. Our bodies were just touching and our faces were inches apart.

Bonnie appeared behind Damon, which made me jump. "really?" I moaned. She had to just pop up!

"What?" Damon said looking behind him.

"Um nothing, I just. gotta go." I walked away quickly then and went back home. Bonnie was waiting in my room.

"Why on earth were you and Damon having a moment?!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Maddy he's with your sister!"

"It wasn't a moment! I was telling him about Silas!" I spat, putting away my washing.

"Hey Maddy, wanna come to the beach with me and Matt?" Jer asked, pushing open my door.

"Matt? is he back?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said. "So grab a bikini or something, lets go!"

"Sure, wait out side." I put on a baby blue bikini and looked over to see if Bonnie was still there. Nope, she left.

Sitting on a towel, I played with the sand. Matt was a bit late so me and Jer sat awkwardly and smiled at the old couples saying how cute we looked together. Ew!

"So...hows school?" I asked Jeremy.

"Erm, okay I guess. Hey, speaking of school! where the heck have you been?" He demanded.

"Jer, I ... Oh look. It's Matt!" I jumped up and slowly jogged toward him. I wrapped my arms around him shoulders and smiled into his neck. "Matty, I've missed you."

"You too. How've you been?" He asked releasing me and taking my hand as we walked down the beach.

Jeremy gave me a weird look when he saw our hands. I let go of Matt and sat back down. "I've been good. Well, I've been okay I guess. You?"

"I've been great." He said, not sounding so sure.

"Hey...Matty what's wrong?" I asked.

"Bonnie." he said simply. I looked at Jer and frowned. "She hasn't been returning my emails. Jer have you spoke to her? is she pissed at me?"

"Yeah I've spoke to her, she has crap signal where she is so..." Jeremy trailed off.

Bonnie appeared next to Matt and gave him a sorrowful look. Me and her both stared at her. My eyes began to get a little teary, "Race you to the water?" I smiled and jumped up.

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