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Namjoon's POV

After standing outside of supposed "Hoseok's" House for a while I waiting for Jackson The strongest of all faires and enforcer of "Da Rules" To come for him. After all once a fairly Godchild blabs to someone else about having faires we just leave. Quick, simple and easy like that.


About 2 hours later Jungkook finally left the house, looking completely different from when he walked in. He was Happy. It really touched my heart. I wish Hoseok could take my place as a fairy, I mean he makes people so happy.

I decided to run home, well to Jungkook's house so it wouldn't look like I was following him.


"Namjoon." Jungkook said breaking the pregnant silence that was filling the air. I mean it was awkward. He just ran away screaming about how crazy he was.

"Its Hyung. Im literally 100 years older than you." I didnt mean to be rude with my statement but it just kind of came out that was.

"S-sorry Namjoon Hyung." Great. Now he's afraid of me.

"Dont be afriad of me. My purpose here is literally to help you." I said assuring him that I wasn't dangerous.

"Your not in danger." I said. Slightly bending the truth. I mean he was in danger. There we're two anti-faires in the area. Im not sure who they are, yet. But that was part of the reason me and Yoongi we're sent here instead of some old fairies. We needed to defend our kind.

Considering Anti-Faries are the opposite of fairies and Yoongi's lazy and loves to sleep. Im sure it wont be hard to find a hyper-active always awake kid. I just need to keep my eyes peeled. But of course I wasnt going to tell Jungkook all of this right now.


Jimin's POV

"OW! GET OFF ME!" I yelled as Taehyung jumped on me. I swear I dont even know why he's so hyper. I guess it's just part of his personality.

I really dont know why we're in this town. And I dont remember how we got here. We're just.. Here.

But for some reason I feel Taehyung is hiding something behind his kindness and happiness.

Namjoon's POV

I really don' think Yoongi is like this. His attitude changed throughout the course of these past fews years. He's really not a bad guy, even though he looks like it. On the inside he has a soft heart, but still. I feel like he's hiding something from us.


Im sorry this chapters so short I just dunno wherethis story is going. I'll have longer chapters when I figure this out. BYEBYEEE

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