1 - Tessa

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After five years of a constant fight, I did it. I actually managed to make it home. I discovered that the team is now operating out of the Watchtower, though everyone who lived in the cave before it was blown up moved back into it. I've been recruited back onto the team with a new name: Renegade. Batman was doubting my abilities, but Wally convinced him. It's been very strange for me to not be alone. Sometimes I forget that I should interact with people and end up ignoring them, which doesn't work too well all the time. Bash does seem to have it worse then I do for a couple of reasons. He was raised in Limbo and has never experienced Earth before, which means a lot of things set him on alert. We've been instructed to not let him go anywhere without me, seeing as I'm basically the only one who can calm him, but he does seem to have bonded with Wolf and Superboy. I haven't been assigned to any missions yet, but I think that's for the best. There's some things I want to do first.


Wally and I stood in front of a door. I glanced at the numbers on the house, then at the paper Dick had given us. It was Artemis's address, and she had just returned from the mission she was on. I knocked on the door, looking back at Wally. He looked just as hesitant as I felt. Don't get me wrong, we were both ecstatic about seeing Artemis. I just really don't know how she'll take our return. The door slowly opened, revealing the familiar blonde girl.

"Hey," Wally and I said simultaneously. Her eyes widened, and she staggered away from us.

"How the hell... Is it really you?" she asked. I smiled weakly.

"Yeah, Artie. It's us." She pulled both me and Wally into a tight hug, squeezing us together. We laughed, waiting for her to let go to start explanations. When Artemis released us, we went inside and explained what happened. We were there for a long while, but Artemis's reactions were well worth it. After we finished, she punched Wally's arm.

"Wallace Rudolph West, if you ever leave me again, I will literally hunt you down and kill you," she said. Then she jabbed a finger at me.

"And you, Tessa Holt, don't you even think about trying anything like that again. If anyone's gonna be sacrificed, make it L'gann." Afterwards, Wally excused himself to go spend some time with Flash, so Artemis and I went out shopping. I forgot how much I loved spending time with her.


My relationship with Dick Grayson is a complicated one. You see, the two of us used to be really close. We were two peas in a pod, doing everything together. But when I got hit, everything changed. He was trying to let me go and move on, while I was clutching on to him and everyone else for dear life, using them to keep me stable. This causes some major problems. I almost think that he still cares about me, but I really don't know. Anyways, we arranged to meet at a coffee shop I used to love. It's a small place in Star City with a warm atmosphere and friendly staff. When I walked in, he wasn't there.

"Tessa! I haven't seen you here in years," gushed Alice, a waitress I had befriended. I smiled warmly at her.

"I've been traveling, but it's great to be back. How have you been?" I asked. We conversed for around ten minutes when Dick enters. He's dressed in normal clothes, but is still wearing those stupid sunglasses. Dammit. He sits down across from me.

"Hey," he says. I smile in response.

"We kind of need to talk. With the whole you being gone thing, a lot of stuff has changed, and I just want to make sure things are okay between us," he states. I nod.

"Yeah. I don't really know where to start," I reply uncertainly. He looks thoughtful, then stares directly at me.

"How about here?" he suggests, reaching up towards the glasses. My heart starts beating a bit faster than usual. Slowly, he pulls them off his face, and my grey eyes meet startlingly blue ones. I took in a sharp breath, staring into the eyes I had waited so long to see.

"Dick Grayson. Nice to meet you," he said, reaching his hand across the table. I shook it absentmindedly, still lost in his eyes. He laughed.

"You know, if I had known your reaction would be this cute, I would have shown you my eyes a long time ago," he said. I smiled, a blush creeping across my cheeks.

"So I'm thinking that our relationship ended on a really undesirable note. Maybe we could try again?" he offered. I grinned.

"Yeah. I think I'd really like that."

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