THREE: School

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"First things first, go back to school." He said seriously, oh no. I hate to attend school.

"When?" Vice ask my brother. Quartz crossed his arms and smirk at us-- no to me.

"Tomorrow. No buts, and ifs Qrizzantimore." I sighed. He's really, argh! Before he throughly leaves the house, I speak.

"We have no choice Quartimore, but as replace. I'll borrow Death Stalker." He turned my gaze at me, I smiled sheepishly.

"No if and buts." He just shrugged his shoulders and shut the door. Zreen jump like a monkey and shout.

"Omg! You're the first one who will borrow Death Stalker!" She shouted, the boys are in state of shock. They know Quartz, he will not let anyone even me lay a single dust in his motor bike that he named Death Stalker.

It's not an ordinary motor bike. The wheels of this bike are huge and the speed of it is double than a sports car. It may lead you to death because of the speed so that's why it's called Death Stalker.

"Qrizza you might face hell when you ride that big bike." Vice said nervously. He's like a father when talking to me.

"If I ride that bike I'll face hell? Nah. I'm still here Vice, alive and kicking!" Vice scrambled my hair like a child, I pouted my lips because of that.

"A brave kid." I cocked my brows at him, and push him away from me.

"Woah your getting stronger." I rolled my eyes and leave him in the living room.

I jump in my big soft bed, this day was very tiring.


I jump on the cold ocean, the bomb throws me a swim away from the yatch. I can't move my body or even talk. My body is getting deeper to the darkest part of the ocean.

Am I going to die? Am I? I saw the face of my father, Xianon.

"Hello my dear daughter." He hold my face but I can't touch him. We're under the ocean, is it hallucinations? I blink many times but I can still see his face.

"Your not hallucinating." He smiled, but there are tears falling from his cheeks.

"I'm sorry." I want to hug him nor talk. I cry because of that, I can't say 'Dad.'

"I'm sorry for leaving you." The scene change, I was watching my own burial. Dad is holding my hand, and he give me a sad smile.

"Are you going to leave them?" He asked, but I'm just watching when people started to leave. One man was left sitting, he's avoiding to escape his tearr. He was saying something but I can't hear it.

"I don't really now dad." In a blink of my eyes, a tear escape in the man's eyes. The rain started to pour heavily, the wind swings the trees.

"In this life, you don't need to give up." Dad said, he kissed my forehead. And I watch Thunder getting wet, he just stare at my gravestone, and he didn't care if it's raining.

"You need to live, we'll meet soon." He hugged me, a tears fall again in my eyes.

"Qrizza wake up!"

"O shit is she having a bad dream!?"

I was woken up when I heard them shouting, I seat at my bed. I was having a bath of my own sweat. I didn't talk, or even cry. I just stared on the floor, and see at my peripheral vision all of them. The thick curtains are open widely.

"You can go to school. I can fix and drive myself." I leave them and walk towards the bath room. I open the faucet on the bath tub and make the temperature cold. I turn my clothes off and jump to the bath tub.

"I missed you dad."


Kavanagh University

I get down on the grassy ground and put my aviators on. Zreen and the gang must be already inside the campus. I walk in the huge lawn of the campus, many students turned their gaze to my side.

"She looks scary."

"Is she new?"

"Hey gorgeous."

"She's intimidating."

I heard their gossips in my eardrums. I stared at them, they turned their eyes of me. I really hate school. I look at my wrist watch, it already lunch.

I walk in the hallway, many memories flashed in my mind. I shake my head and open the door of the cafeteria. Noises welcomed me, but when they see me they look like they swallowed their tongues. I walk to the center table, and lean on it.

I heard some noises of landing plates on the table. I didn't mind them, how I hate noisy people around me.

"Is that Zan?" I heard Zreen's voice, the chair besides me move. I smell Vice, Neer, Farah and the others familiar perfume, the others are here too? I lean my back on the chair, they all stared at me like I did something wrong.

"Stop, staring." They didn't heard what I said, so I stomped my palms on the table to stop them staring, are they deaf because of Zreen? Oh come on! My eardrums survived on her voice, what if? Argh nevermind.

"Woah Zan, do you have PMS?"


Guys! #41 na ang ranking sa action nito! Ang book 1 ay kasalukuyang nasa #12. Ayan na ang update! Medyo mahaba na.

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