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Sirens.... I failed. I AM alive. NO! NO! I DON'T WANT TO BE! Why? I am a failure. And NOBODY knows. Not even Josh. Nobody. A nurse came over to me a few hours after I arrived. "Hey, Tyler. How are you?" she asks.
"Umm. Well. I'm okay... I guess."
"Good. Well your Mother will be coming to visit you after your surgery pain dies down."
"My-my mother? Pain? I can't feel anything."
"No you won't be able to. You are on antibiotics. And yes your mother."
"Okay. What about Josh? Is he coming?"
"He knows but his mum said at the weekend."
"Oh. Okay" I say ending the conversation.
She walks off and goes to the next bed. In the next bed there is a small young girl. She was asleep with her hair in pig tails in her face. Her pajamas are pink with white bows on them. She only looked about 5.

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