Players, Drama, and Pom-Poms part 1

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This is a short story I started in the 7th grade…enjoy…don’t forget to vote, comment and become a fan!! Sorry for any typos = (

Players, Drama, and Pom-Poms part.1

Beep, Beep, Beep

I woke up and shut my alarm clock off that was blinking 6:15. My family and my uncle moved up here in New York City from Maine. My mom wanted to get some shops and have more people around.

I got up from bed dropping my pink, fuzzy, comforter on the floor. My mom always says that I’m such a prep but my dad, who’s away on a business trip in London, thinks I’m a princess. I walked next door to my older brother’s room. He’s 16 and I’m 15. We always fight but I love him anyways!

“Dexter, get up!” I banged on the door. It was the first day of school and I wasn’t going to be late. I went to the mirror to approve my look. I wore my white tee that said ‘Kissable’ with my hot pink skinny jeans. I paired them with my white fur boots. I attached hot pink extensions to my long, black hair.

While I was applying eyeliner, Dex came out wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans and a purple t-shirt. I would consider Dex good looking with his cool, white smile and brown hair but he ruins it with his obnoxious attitude. I grabbed my backpack and my purse and followed him to his room.

“Morning’ “, I smiled.

“Hey. Pass me that shoe” I threw his purple Vans at his head.

`“Ow! Why did you do that for?”

“Good luck for the first day of school” I snickered.

“Very funny” he said throwing a pillow that I failed to dodge.

We ran down the stairs to find my mom in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating cereal. Dex sat down and helped himself. I walked to the pantry and got a pop-tart and sat down.

“Good morning, how’s the coffee?” I joked.

“Horrible!” she cringed. Mom kinda has a real bad caffeine addiction. She would have had more than 3 cups of coffee or coke in less than 2 hours. The doctor gave her a coffee sub. She drinks every morning to help her. “I’m going to be kind of late do heat up the macaroni and chicken from last night.”

“Let’s go Merissa!” yelled Dex. I got up and walked to his car pecking my mom on the cheek with a quick I love you. In the car I inserted my remix CD and the song ‘Replay’ by Iyaz came on. I smiled and started singing along. Dex got in the car with a tortured face. He prefers rock so he hates my CD. He even tried burning it once!

“Why do you listen to this? It’s so weird. It has no base or drums or speed! Just some wannabe legends.” I just rolled my eyes and kept singing. He always said that when I’m listening to it.

“What’s the name of our school again? Silver prep school for the needed sisters?” he joked.

“No smart one, Silver melody high school” I replied.

“Who’s the smart one now…I was making fun of you!”

He turned on Liberty Blvd. and the school came into view. I was happy I went shopping last week. Looking at the kids here, my old look of miniskirts and polo sweater vests wouldn’t have fit in here.


Hope you enjoyed!! Chapter 2 will be up soon. Don’t forget to vote, comment, and become a fan! Luv yew!

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