Friendly Reunion[part 1]

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As you can see, this is part one of Friendly Reunion, part two will come soon. Warning part two is pretty long. That is just a warning.

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I finally got over my best friend after a long time of being in love with him. I was devastated when he got a girlfriend sophomore year. The little things they did, holding hands and kissing just really put a pain on my heart. But again I'm finally over it.

I was over it when I hit college, me and my Joel went to different colleges. He went where his girlfriend chose to go and after that first year of college they moved into an apartment together. . . I'm over it. I avoided his calls, his text, just avoided him all together.

Ever since college I started to express myself for who I truly am. I'm not a straight man and I know it, I want to be happy. Never been happy ever since the seventh grade, when my feelings for him was starting to grow. I've honestly tried to come out to him that I liked him but, every time I've tried come to it, I had cotton balls stuck in my throat.

I'm not a talker really, but I talk a lot in my mind, that's the only way I release. Just quiet time to myself to think and to talk to myself.

Joel protected me, he got into fights just for me. Boys would just target me back in middle and high for reasons of that I looked weak. I looked voluble. I looked, feminine. They never called me a fag or gay, just a woman like that was an insult. But apparently that is somehow.

Seeing them now in college just kinda proves that they were right in some sense. The men that I've hung out with, not specifically dated, dominated me. I love being dominated but dominance always represents the man, and the one that is being dominated is the woman. That is why I said, 'kinda proves them right'.


"Yo Kenny, you've been silent for over an hour. Don't you get bored?" The one that said that was a friend I met in college, he's gay just like me, he was the one that said that I should express myself.

"No, it's relaxing to just think." I got an apartment recently with him. And he will always come in my room after he don't hear me for a while, to make sure I'm alive.

"Did you have a terrible childhood? No one molested you did they?!"

"No no. Nothing like that. You should try it, sit back and look over your life. . ."

"Sounds boring! Me and the crew is going to the gay bar, you coming too, a guy what's to meet you. I showed him a picture of you if you don't mind."

"I do mind! Which picture you show him?!"

"Haha calm down!" He pulled out his phone and showed me the picture of me with a dull face.

"Why you show him that one? He will think that I am no fun!"

"Why show him a fake you. Once he gets to know you he is going to wonder what happened to the huge smile Kenny."

"You are right. When are we going?"

"Tonight. Ten."

"What?! It's already nine!"

"Yeah. I know. Get ready."


The bar was so colorful, all the colors of the rainbow. The music loud, playing all types of music. We sat down at a booth, guys were already there. I should have asked him what he looked like, I don't know which one.

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