Ch. 16 - Party in the U.S.A.

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"God bless America, Ivy Lynch!"

The first thing I do when I open the front door for Jake is gawk at the outfit he has chosen for today. He is wearing a polo striped red-and-white shirt with navy blue shorts that have stars all over them. His sandals are designed to look like the American flag as well. It's very flashy, to say the least, everything I would've expected from him.

"Wow," is all I manage to get out.

My plain white sundress seems slightly under-patriotic now.

"I'm excited for today," he says and sticks his hand out to help me down the porch. "This is my favorite holiday."


"Yep. I love the spirit, the food, the music, the fireworks, everything!" He lifts his hand to wave to Elliott and Flynn as they pull into the driveway. "What are they doing here?"

"Uh, I work for Elliott's family," I say, waving to the boys as they get out of the car with grocery bags of fireworks, graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate.

"Seriously?" Jake shakes Flynn's hand and reaches for Elliott's, who doesn't move to shake his hand. "Hey, boys."

"Hey, Jake," Flynn says with a smile. "Sick outfit."


Elliott looks at me with raised eyebrows, an amused twinkle in his eye. I shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

Yesterday, Elliott made that comment about being jealous of Jake. It threw me off completely. Before I had time to comprehend it, he had disappeared to join everyone else outside. The thought of Elliott liking me as more than a friend has my mind spinning. I'm not going to deny the attraction I feel, but it been doing pretty well at holding that back.

He's just so beautiful.

"Are you guys setting off fireworks tonight?" Jake asks, pointing to their bags.

"Yes, sir. We're meeting some friends at the beach for a bonfire," Flynn answers.

Jake nods. "That's cool. I hope it doesn't rain tonight."

I look to Elliott, who is already staring at me as Flynn and Jake converse. I raise my eyebrows and mouth, "stop."

"Stop what?" he mouths back, a grin on his face.

"It wouldn't be the Fourth of July without fireworks now, would it?" Flynn jokes.

I shake my head and turn to listen to their conversation about the weather. As Jake pulls out his phone to check the forecast, I glance quickly back at Elliott.

"Stop," he mouths in the split second he catches me looking.

"We should get going!" I say to Jake. "I'm getting hungry for those hot dogs and burgers you promised."

Flynn smiles. "Have fun, guys. Stop by the bonfire when your party is over."

"Sure thing, man," Jake says and squeezes Flynn's hand. "Later."

"Later," Elliott repeats in a mocking way, one that goes right over Jake's head.

Today is my one official day off. The kids got picked up by their grandparents at 5 in the morning for their place in Crescent City, California. They'll be dropped off sometime tomorrow. Until then, I'm off work. I've decided to make the most of it, no matter whom I'm spending my time with.

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