I Broke The SideMen

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Lachlan's POV

I broke it. That's it. No more. It had been plaguing my mind like made for the past month. I hated myself and all that it held. The emptiness inside. The deep and dark chasm I seem to constantly be falling through. I can't sleep without having nightmares of the boys harassing and abusing me. I can't eat properly without feeling like I don't deserve it. I don't even think I've had a drink today. I Don't deserve it. I haven't made a video since it happened. And that was exactly a month ago. I didn't even both uploading the ones I already did. It hurt so much. If I had known this would happen. I'd never have fucking moved here. Yeah I was happy at first. We all were. It was going to be great living so much closer to all of my friends. But at the same time. If I had known that it would have caused this much hassle and shit to go down.I probably would have just given up completely. I don't deserve to be happy. Not after what I did.

Harry: "Lachlan are you ok?"

Harry. My love. My sweet boy who could never do a thing wrong. I love you so much but you would never be able to even begin to comprehend what is going on inside my head.

Lachlan: "I'm fine baby."

Harry: "No your not.Your different. You've changed. Are you ok Lachlan? Please talk tome. Or at least one of your Pack friends."

Lachlan: "They won't.Understand."

Harry: "Would I be able to understand?"

Lachlan: "I don't know.I don't think so."

Harry: "I know I'm always happy and hyper and wanting to have fun but please talk to me.I might not be able to understand everything but I want you to trust me. Please try."

Lachlan: "How long have we been together for?"

Harry: "About a year now I think. I still remember feeling bad for Vikk. He liked you so much and you had to turn him down because you wanted to be with me. I felt so bad for him."

Lachlan: "Yeah. How long have I been living here for?"

Harry: "A month. You know that. I know that. Everyone does. Though with your friends being American. You developing an American accent. Losing your Aussie one slightly. Yet you got a Boyfriend from Guernsy and now live in London. You really couldn't have become anymore international."

I couldn't help but giggle at his statement. He had a point. Everyone thought I was either going to get with Vikk. Or with Rob. But either way. Everyone wanted me to move to America. I didn't want to though. That's the thing. I always wanted to come here instead. It was over here. Or I'd move to Sydney.There was never a choice in this though after finding out I had developed feelings for Harry. It just made the decision easier.

Harry: "Lachlan please. Your scaring me."

Lachlan: "I'm scaring myself. So many thoughts and everything goes through my mind everyday. I'm almost at the point where I can't even live here anymore. I feel like I've made such a huge mistake living in this house. Every single part of me just feels wrong. Like I don't deserve this."

Harry: "I want you to trust me right now."

We had been laying down in bed. It was only 1 in the morning but Harry and Josh had just finished their videos and he was getting tired so we decided to call it early. I had found work online even though it never did as well as we had hoped but it helped. I stopped my channel but having that history on YouTube did help me build this small little company up.

Harry: "Have you spoken to Ro much?"

I'm so glad I reached out to her. Rosanna was a brilliant and amazing baker and had a channel of her own. I reached out wanting to do a partnership with her after explaining everything that happened and she and I both came to the conclusion of starting an International Baking company. It was something different and I loved it because I got to bake and have fun in the kitchen by myself for a good majority of the day. If Josh wasn't recording sometimes he would come down and help me if I had a lot of orders but lately it's been really quiet. England doesn't have as many food lovers as America did. But it was fun while it lasted.

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