Lovers and Kids chapter 9

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Chapter 9


I was holding mine and Rebecca's son in my arms. It felt good having a son but I still really didn't like it. I loved Rebecca and I'll do anything just to make her happy.  Next Day.. I was tired but I still went to work. I seen Phoebe just as I walked in. She hated me right now because of what happen. When I got in my office I seen the divorce papers on my desk from the fight. I kind of wanted a divorce but then again I didn't want it. I loved Rebecca but I really just couldn't see us working out. I took the papers and put them in my desk door. I started to get to work on a case we was working on. My mind kept wondering what would have happen if I never would have met Rebecca I wouldn't be a mother or a wife. Which I was kind of regretting that right now. I pulled out the Divorce papers again. I looked over the divorce Papers. Rebecca's mother Angie came up to my office. She walked in on me about to sign the paper work. Rebecca was with her to. Rebecca seen what I was about to do. Rebecca walked out my office. I didn't know what to do. later that night I came home. Rebecca was doing dishes when I walked in. Rebecca was me but she didn't say anything to me. I walked up to the table. I told her that I wanted the divorce. Rebecca walked away wiping her eye. I knew she was crying. I didn't like when she was crying but I didn't mess with her. I placed the divorce paper on the table and left. As I left Nathan watched me. I didn't know where I was going but I was going somewhere. I couldn't go to my parents house because it was to late at night for me to show up there and they would be asking to much questions. I didn't know what was going on I was just feeling a different feeling about me and Rebecca. I wasn't feeling love or anything with me and her no more. plus I couldn't stand how she been acting. I went over to my old friends house Megan. she was very happy to see me. me and her was like sisters when we was younger.  I seen that she had a wonderful nice husband and three kids. I didn't tell her about Nathan or Rebecca. I told her I was never married and I didn't even have kids. I didn't like lying to her but I just wanted to forget about everything that's has happen these pasted years.

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