1.1 | Babysitting The Drunk

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"Do you want a drink?" Ian asks as he moves us through the crowd, our hands interlocked so we don't lose each other.

"Only if you drink with me." I beam innocently, squeezing his hand gently. "You need to loosen up a little."

He immediately shakes his head, finally stopping in front of the kitchen bar. "I'm driving, remember?"

"We can take an Uber back home." I shrug, hopping onto a stool beside him. "Don't be a party-pooper."

He glances over at me before settling his attention on a group of people standing near the back of the house. "One of us has to be aware of what we do. If not, we'll ruin the whole plan."

I roll my eyes. "You're treating this as if it's a special FBI case." Ordering myself a strong margarita, I twist in my seat to face him. Staring at the side of his head, I notice how he clenches his jaw in irritation. I decide to follow his gaze. Of course, I think to myself. He's staring at Julissa partying with a group of guys. "What are we supposed to do, anyway? They seem to have her full attention. Seems to me, we don't even have to continue this – she's no longer bothering you." I slap a hand on his back.

Finally, he tears his eyes away and looks over at me, as if suddenly becoming aware of my existence.

He sighs, "Why do I even care that she's with them?"

"Maybe because love doesn't fade overnight?"

"How about two weeks?" He asks dejectedly.

"About the same amount of time when it comes to being heartbroken and trying to move on." I say sympathetically, patting his shoulder in a comforting manner.

When I get my drink slid over to me, I instantly grab it and guard it. For the sake of not getting drugged, I chug it all in one go. They can't spike my drink if it's already in my stomach.

"You're starting with the chugging again?" He sighs exasperatingly. "Let me remind you that the last time you did that, I got punched."

"Hey, that was your choice." I quickly defend, biting the straw as I wait for my next drink. "And let me just say, it was totally unnecessary."

He rolls his eyes, "Maybe I should just let you drink. Me taking care of you might work in making her jealous."

I instantly knit my eyebrows in confusion as I pull away from the straw. "I thought we were doing this so that she can leave you alone?"

"Yeah, I know."

I narrow my eyes at him. "That's not what you said right now, though."

He glances over at me. "What'd I say, then?"

"I barely had one drink, don't make me think I'm stupid and overhearing things." I glower at him. "Seriously, she's not worth your time for you to worry about making her jealous. I agreed to make her back off, not to make her jealous." I pause momentarily to think. "... but I'll make an exception if you cook and clean every day."

He hands me my drink, smiling in amusement. "Shut up and drink, you dork."

"I'm not a dork." Snatching my drink from him, I chug it as well. "You're the dork for being in love with someone who isn't even worth it."

He laughs, standing to walk over to a cooler. He pulls out a cold water bottle and chugs half of it while standing. He then nears me again and retakes his seat, setting the water bottle down on the counter. "Imbecile is the correct word to describe me."

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