Chapter 2:Home sweet home

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I tried so hard not to fangirl and said yes and went to pack my things,Joey noticed that the Joey Graceffa sweater was to big on me and my  big day was tomorrow(aka the day she came to their lives)"I'm going to miss you mousy!"I said as I hugged him."aw shucks Amy!always text me ok?"said mousey."I will mousey!and don't forget to make a funny minecraft channel called Exploding Tnt and don't face reveal or talk,make speech bubbles"I said."I will Amy!bye!"said mousey.i walked with Daniel and Joey to the car."is his name mousey?"asked Daniel."no,i gave him that nickname,he likes that nickname"I explained."that's clever!"said Joey.we got in the car and I almost fangirled when Joey put his arm around me.since Janiel was official I watched one of Joey's videos."so Amy,I just want to let you know your coming to vidcon with us and I'll ask the producers of escape the night to include you has help for everyone in the house."said Joey."wowie!thanks dad!"I said."I CAN BELIEVE I SAID THAT"my thoughts were screaming."we're here."said Daniel.when we got inside wolf and storm came rushing in and started to lick Joey,but storm instead came to me."it's ok Amy!storm doesn't bite!"said Joey."o-ok dad."I said.i started to pet storm and pretty soon storm wouldn't stop following me."want to see your room Amy?"said Joey."ok!"I said.i followed Daniel and Joey to my room storm was following me."here it is!"said Daniel."we didn't know if you wanted to paint it together so we left it white."said Joey."wowie!i can paint it myself,thanks dads!"I hugged them tight.i started to paint my room with my favorite youtubers mark,jack,Dan and Phil,and my dad's Joey and Daniel.when Joey and Daniel came to check me they saw me asleep with storm and they saw the walls with markiplier,jacksepticeye,dan and Phil and finally they saw themselves and Amy together.there was writings next to each youtubers but the special one was Joey,Daniel and Amy's that said"Ah,good day everyone!".daniel picked up Amy and put her on his and joey's bed storm followed and went to sleep with be continued

If you like please comment on if I should do a "adopted by septiplier"buh-bye!!!

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