A New Neighbor

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I was on the bus back to the apartment, as Leonard refused to drive back today; just because I knocked over his model rocket and accidentally broke it.
"SHELDON!" He whined. "That cost 350 dollars!" He whined so much! My bus pants were sticky and filthy; I'd have to throw them away!
     The bus stopped to allow people on; why must they stop for others! A girl got on. She took my breath away... Beautiful chocolate brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, tanned skin. I smiled: what was happening to me?! I know; it must be the flu coupled with sudden- onset Tourette syndrome!
     The girl sat behind me.
"Hello, my name is Carlie. Can you tell me where Pasadena Apartments are?" She asked me.
"Doctor Sheldon Cooper, and yes, I can tell you, for I live there." I told her.
"Really, that's great! Do you mind showing me where it is? I guess I'll be your new neighbor, after all!" She replied.
"New neighbor?" She nodded.
     The bus pulled to a stop outside the apartments. Carlie and I entered the building, as she took note of the 'Out of Order' sign on the elevator and began ascending the stairs.
"So, Carlie, welcome to the building. I assume you play no brass instruments..." She laughed, and then realised I was serious.
"No..." She replied. We made it to the fourth floor.
"This is me." I said, stopping outside 4a, my apartment.
"Oh, I'm just across the hall from you, Sheldon! I'm rooming with a girl called Penny."
"Ok, if you would care to join myself and my friends for dinner, you are more than welcome to come with Penny."
"OK, thank you Sheldon, I'll just unpack some clothes and get changed, then I'll be over." She smiled and went into her apartment.
     I turned around, and saw Leonard standing in the doorway.
"New neighbor." I stated.
"Evidently, she rooming with Penny?" I nodded.
"She's called Carlie, and she's coming for dinner." I walked into the apartment, and to my bedroom, changing from my bus pants to my Tuesday pants; I can't wear my bus pants to dinner! I sit in my spot and lay out the food.
     Carlie knocked on the door, and Penny and herself walked in. Carlie sat next to me, Penny on her other side, Leonard on the wooden chair. Howard and Raj arrived behind Carlie and Penny. Raj went silent, running to the fridge to grab a beer. Howard and Raj sat on the floor, both gazing dreamily at Carlie.
"Hello, Madame, and what might your name be?" Howard asked.
"Carlie..." She replied nervously. I could tell Howard put her on edge. Raj smiled nervously at her, and she grinned back. Raj blushed, and almost fainted.
     "So, Carlie, Sheldon told me that you're rooming with Penny. Tell us about yourself." Leonard asked.
"Well, my name is Carlie Johnson." She began. "I'm an Aries, but it doesn't affect me, it's just my birthday." I smiled at that; the same as what I believed and the exact opposite of what Penny thought. "I'm a scientist; I'm transferring to Caltech as a theoretical physicist." Penny groaned; she didn't realise Carlie was another scientist. I, on the other hand, gasped.
"Well, Carlie, you may be interested to know that I am also a theoretical physicist at Caltech, so we'll be working in the same department, along with one of my enemies, Barry Kripke. Do you know your IQ?" I inquired.
"185." She said proudly. I was shocked; she had an IQ 11 higher than Leonard, and only 2 below me!
"Alas, Carlie, mine is 187, so you are not the smartest physicist in this room!"
     Penny, Leonard, Howard and Raj were looking between Carlie and I, shocked.
"Wow, Carlie! He's nicer to you than he is to all of us!"
"Strike 1, Penny!" I said. Suddenly the door opened, and there stood Amy.
"Sorry I'm late, Sheldon, I was... Who's this?" She said, looking at Carlie.
"This is my new friend Carlie, Amy."

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