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mentions of drugs (minor)

the red head leant back in his chair, neck resting on the back of it as a long groan escaped him. the man infront of him rambled on about a new buisness plan he wanted with joshua, but the boy had not payed attention for the past hour.

"obviously if you slip up, then we could both be thrown under the bus"

josh raised his brow, giving the man his best death glare - causing him to shift in his seat due to the intimidating action of his boss.

"excuse me. i may have heard incorrectly. we?" he cocked his head, staring deep into the mans crystal blue eyes.

he gulped, and took a deep breath to settle his nerves. his eyes quickly shifted to the red head who was now standing, resting his muscular arms on the desk inbetween them.

"i won't be participating in any activity that puts my reputation on the line." he coldly snapped, anger rushing building up inside him, travelling through his veins.

"w-would you like me to re-phrase that, s-sir?" the man croaked.

josh laughed softly, aware that he brought his client down within seconds. he tugged at his bottom lip with his teeth, a habit he adopted from his father.

"you know where this got my father, damian." he spat. "be thankful i haven't had a word with the rest of your family." he winked, before a large grin plastered his face.

the man closed his eyes and slowly nodded, a blue-green auora flew out of him, instantly finding its way to joshua.

"sorry, did i not ask you to leave?" he smirked. "fuck off, it's beginning to look like your wife is next on my list, no?"

damian fell to the floor, quiet sobs escaped him as he buried his face in his hands. his body shuddered and his rib cage rattled with every breath he took. josh lifted his left brow, sighing as he watched the scene take place before him.

"damian, you can't be in this buisness if you cry like a god damn pussy when your family is mentioned. man up for christ's sake." josh chuckled at the man's behaviour.

interrupting his now heavy sobs, joshs phone began to violently ring, snapping damian out of his 'horrific mental breakdown'. with a grunt, the red head pressed answer, bringing the phone to his ear.

"what now? i'm in the middle of an entertaining display. aka, damian having a mental fucking shut down." josh laughed, as damian shot him a tearful, yet powerful glare.

"sir, we have a backpack, a coat and keys here. the bag is full of marijuana and the coat has containers with cocaine crystals."

josh smirked. "oh mary and juana. is there a name tag inside the bag, in the coat? if so, please read it out to me, sweetheart."

"Tyler Joseph."


mentions of abuse

the brunette swung his legs off the counter as his pudgy thighs repeatedly bounced off each other. he smiled in content, and let out a breathy sigh, taking in the peaceful atmosphere of the shop. soon, the peace was interrupted by what he presumed was a man, who flung open the door; knocking over one of the plants, breaking the pot against the floor. the boy jumped in shock, his eyes widened at the sight.

"hey, kiddo. i could really use a guy to help me. you'll do it." the voice ordered, it was muffled by the ski mask covering their face.

tyler stumbled off the counter and edged towards the figure, his mind raced with fear, stomach caving in on itself. he took one unstable breath as he prepared to speak.

"i'm a-afraid i can't h-help you with anything, s-sir." he said, attempting to stay calm.

validating this figure was male, rough hands grabbed the young boy close. his clothes mouth hovered over the boy's neck, sending unwanted chills down tyler's spine.

"you'll give me what i want, petal." he placed a light kiss to the brunette's lips, causing him to strain against the man's hands. a small whimper, filled with fear escaped him. the man's brow raised as tyler's body began to shake, his mind slowly terminating.

"n-no. i won't help y-you." the boy whispered, his voice breaking halfway through.

the man brought his hand back, and placed a punch upon the brunette's jaw. the young boy let out a sharp yelp as he fell to the floor. his knees were weak as his body curled, tears began forming in his chocolate eyes. the man kicked the boy in his chest, another scream left the boy's mouth. tears began streaming down his face at a worrying rate, his body ached in pain. a voice rung throughout the store.

"pretty boys don't always get pretty endings..."

the boy, too injured to fight back, felt those same hands drag him across the floor. the squeaking sound of his shoes against the tiles vibrated in his ear. slowly, his eyes closed and his body sank as he was thrown against the wall by a powerful force. his head slammed against it with a thud. the boy's mind began turning into a deep, dark void when a chilling voice greeted him once again.

"watch it."


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