Long Live The Car Crashed Hearts.

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Pete walked into the dorm room after a long day of baseball practice. He laughed when he saw Patrick with his headphones on, singing amazingly, dancing awkwardly. Pete slowly creeped up behind his boyfriend and tried not to laugh too hard as he tasered Patrick's slightly chubby sides. Patrick shrieked in surprise and jumped away, turning to see Pete laughing his butt off.

"That was not cool Wentz" Patrick always called him by his last name when he was trying to be serious. He stuck out his bottom lip slightly as he put his headphones around his neck and off his ears. "Don't do that when I'm distracted. And good god you smell." Patrick was mostly teasing him, but he did smell kind of bad. He had just gotten out of baseball practice. "Go take a shower before the party."

"I'm sorry Patty. I won't do it anymore. Most likely." Pete didn't really mean it, of course he was gonna do it again. But to make Patrick feel better he apologized and hugged him. "I'll go take a shower. You better be looking nice when I get out." Pete winked and kissed Patrick on the lips for a moment before playfully squeezing his ass and turning to go take a shower. Patrick went to his closet and started looking around for some clothes. Recently he was starting to gain some weight, making him a little chubby, but he was still fairly skinny and attractive. Patrick pulled off his shirt and pulled on a button up along with black jeans and his new favorite hat, a black polka dotted fedora.

Pete finished with his shower nearly an hour later. When he opened the door he saw Patrick lying on the bed, a notebook open as he listen to music once again. Pete tightened the towel around his waist and walked over to Patrick. "Did I ever show you my newest tattoo?" he said loudly so that Patrick could head him over the music. Patrick raised an eyebrow at Pete as he took off his headphones.

"No, I don't believe you did Peter." Patrick said slowly. Patrick had an idea of what Pete was about to do, but he couldn't say that he wouldn't like it. Pete looked at him with a devilish grin and dropped his towel, Patrick's eyes widened when he saw the tattoo of his name on Pete's hip. "T-that’s interesting...” Patrick stuttered and turned back to his notebook. "H-hurry and get up, I don't want to be l-late for the party." Pete chuckled and turned to the closet to put on some clothes.

"Well, are you ready?" Pete was standing by the door waiting for the slow poke known as Patrick to get up and walk out with him.

......Later That Night.......

Patrick was completely wasted.

"Yo man where Pete is?" he said, his words slurred together as he tapped the back of one of his friend's shoulders. The boy he had tapped turned and pointed down the hall to a slightly ajar door. Patrick stumbled awkwardly down the hall, he wasn't drunk that often but tonight he had let it all go. He hit the door awkwardly. "Pete man where are you?" he opened the door to see Pete sitting on the bed with a half-naked woman on Pete's completely naked bottom half.

"Shit...Patrick?" Pete looked over the blonde woman's shoulder to see a devastated drunk Patrick. "Patrick Wait!" Pete shouted out as Patrick turned to walk out. He picked the girl off of him and set her on the bed. "Sorry. I have to go!" he kissed her forehead and pulled on his pants. He turned to run after Patrick, but he was already gone. He went outside to see him getting into the car; he could barely get the key in to open it. 'Shit he's drunk!' Pete thought as he started after Patrick.

By the time he got there, Patrick was already in the car and clumsily driving away. He could barely see the road it was mostly a blur. Patrick heard Pete yelling at him to stop he didn't. He just drove faster. Patrick looked down to turn on the radio, out of the corner of his eye he saw bright headlights. He yelped in surprise and quickly jerked the wheel. But it was too late, the car the driver’s side and he felt his head snap to the side as he blacked out.

Pete saw the whole thing as he ran; he ran and ran as he heard the screeching of tired and the honking of horns. "Oh god no! Don't be him don't be him!" Pete sprinted the last mile, only to see Patrick's car wrapped around a tree. He called 911 and ran over to the car. "PATRICK!" he yelled as he saw the man he loved, the man he betrayed with blood trailing down his face.

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