All be over

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Zach's POV (changing it up! The day after holly left)

I run my fingers through my hair I'm an attempt to smooth it out.
"Calm down! Your freakin out! Aren't you going to see her?" Andrew asked me. When Ginny and Holly weren't doing anything id talk to him. And a lot of the time my dad had Ginny doing something so pretty much when Holly was with Meredith.
"Yeah I am. My dad will kill me if he finds out though! But I really do want to see her." I say and lean back into his couch.
"Then just go." Andrew replied. "You'll be fine. Just come home soon."
"Yeah." I say distantly. "Yeah I'll be fine and I'll come home soon. I'll go call my cab for tomorrow." I walk out into the dark night and go down the street a bit to the phone box. I inserted some loose change and picked up the smooth black phone.
It ran four times before he picked up.
"Hey, Jack! My pal!" Mark said energetically.
"Hey, umm... Do you have a few days off?" I ask. Hoping he could drive me down.
    "Yeah sure whatcha need man?" Mark asks.
    "I need you to drive me somewhere. A few days trip." I reply holding my breath not knowing what he would say.
    "Of course, pick you up tomorrow at 6' o clock. Bye." He said swiftly and the line went dead.
    "Mhmm. Mark for ya." I mutter to myself and walk back home.


I pull myself out of bed and hear Ginny flip herself over and look at me. We share the same bed in a small room that most people would just consider an attic. The room doesn't have air conditioning or any type of heat. Here in late summer the heat from outside scorched our room and the paint on the wall already had started to drip.
I gently sit Ginny up while she runs the sleep from her eyes.
Ginny? I ask.
Where are you going? She good at this.
I'll only be gone for about a week but you can't say anything. I clarify.
Are you going to see Holly Zach? She asks and I just nod. You won't let me come will you? And I just shake my head no.
You need to cover for me, okay? I ask her.
Fine. But give her my hello. She smiles and curls back up into her covers. Be safe please.
Okay. I sign and lean down and kiss her hairline before getting up and changing into grey shorts with a black stripe on the side and a black shirt. I pack a few pairs of similar clothes into an old duffle bag and skin it over my shoulder. I slip outside into the morning air where the Marks ugly taxi waits. I crawl into the passenger seat and sling my bag into the back.
"Hiya" Mark says perkily but I just smile and lean my head against the window. "so what we heading down here for?" He says looking down at the address I found.
"I wanna see this girl after her surgery." I reply simply.
"What surgery?"
"She is deaf and their trying to fix that. She also has cancer and has had anorexic phases." I continue.
"Oh." Is all he says. "How's your family like her?"
"Only met her once and didn't get quite an impression."
"That's unfortunate." Mark replies. I roll my eyes.
"She beautiful though. I wanna find her after this is all over and maybe have a life with her." I say. "But that might just sound stupid."
"Nah, live life to the fullest cause someday it might all be over."
We ride on top of the train tracks and all to late I see the flash of its lights and hear a horn blow loud into the air. I let a surprised shriek escape my lips as the train runs into my side of the car.
Pain runs up through my legs and all through my body. The car starts to flip upside down. It was a blur of the shrieking of the friction between the train and the tracks. A blur of pain that seared through every muscle and bone in my body. I barely even knew what was going on until it all stopped. My eyes were barely slits. I didn't want to black out just in case I died. I refused to close my eyes.
I looked over to Mark. He wasn't wearing a seat belt either. He never did. His body was launched through the windshield. I tried to wiggle my fingers but j could feel them sticky with blood. But when I looked down I saw something I'd always dread. My head was stuck through the window. I could barely feel anything. I could barely see.
I heard sirens of the ambulances and soon enough paramedics were at my side. They wedged me out of the window and I felt glass pierce through my skin.
    "Holly..." I know she would want me after he surgery. I have to get to her.
   "Lie still. We need to get you to the hospital." One of the paramedics.
    "I need to get to Holly." I groan in pain as they lift me into a stretcher.
    "lie still please." The paramedic says again more stern this time. I let my body go limp and loses my eyes as I was lifted into an ambulance and sped off to the ER.
    "What've we got?" I hear somebody call out as they roll me out of the ambulance.
    "Unidentified male. Severe energies to his head, limbs, and chest. Possible damage to the brain." The paramedic said.
    "This is my case." I hear another voice close to me say.
    I can tell that there are a few people rolling me into a room. In the room, I feel them stabbing me with different needles including what I think is an IV and drip.
    "His heart rate is to fast!" One of the doctors call out.
      One of the younger doctors puts some sort of needle into my upper arm but I don't really feel much of it.
    "We have to relieve the pressure in his legs or he will lose them!" The main Doctor calls out. I don't think they know  I'm awake still because I hear the clinging of metal and feel a 10- blade cut down my calf. Actually it doesn't hurt that bad. It doesn't hurt at all. And it worries me. Warm liquid spills down from my legs and onto the papery sheets of the hospital bed.
    "We need to get a MRI" I hear the same doctor say. I open my eyes as wide as I can.
    "He is awake." Says a younger Doctor I think I an intern.
    "I don't think so..." A doctor says. "Oh. He is? Hello I'm Dr. Rose, you don't seem to have any identity on you so we'll need your name." Dr. Rose had really dark brown, wavy, hair and brown eyes.
    "Zach Wilson. Tell Holly I'm here. Please." I say. "Please. Holly needs to know I tried to come, please."
".    "Zach, we don't know Holly can you tell us where she is?" I unwrap my hand from the balled up piece of paper in my hand and she took it. "Okay we will notify Holly...?"
    "Thorn." I reply. 
    "What about any family you want me to contact?" Dr. Rose asks.
"Can you just find my little sister? That's all." I say.
"We will try our best." Dr. Rose clarifies.


I'm rolled into surgery.
"I don't want to go to sleep thinking I won't wake up." I say to Dr. Rose.
She smiles a little. "I'm head of general surgery here at Mary Rose Hospital. I'll do everything I can."
"You don't get it, I have to get back to Holly! I'm the only family she has left and she might think I didn't even try! She has cancer and a blood clot in one of her ears so she could never hear and now their fixing it. I've never talked to her. I want to talk to her before one of us die." I say.
Dr. Rose looks at me with concern. "I'll try my best." She said and I think she really did care. "Ready?" She asked holding the mask beside of her. I nodded and she lay it on my face. I breathed it in and let my vision go dark.

"Zach?" I heard from a distant voice. I look up and see Holly. Her eyes are dull  and she is flickering like a projection. I look at my hands and they are too, but I heard her talk right? "Where are we? Is this heaven?"
    I think she is right too.
    "Your voice is pretty you know? And yeah I think so." I say uncertainty clouding my eyes.
    "Your not supposed to be here." Holly says heartbroken and it makes me hurt too.
    "Neither are you." I say trying to hide my emotions that are threatening to spill.
    "Are we dead?" She asks with her eyes blurry with tears. "I wanna live."
    "Then go back." A familiar voice says behind me. I look at her and my heart is sliced in half. My mom. I was close to saying something but Holly beat me to it.
    "What?" She asks.
    "Go back." My mother repeats.
    "Mom?" I say. I wait for her to respond but she quickly disappears. I don't think much, only scream. "Go back Holly!" Live! My inside shriek. My hands flicker and flicker till I can barely see them. "Fight." I say before everything goes black again.

I wake up and I hurt. A lot. I stare at the ceiling where a blinding light torments my eyesight. I looked to my side and a familiar face welcomed me. I smiled a little at the way her little legs kicked back and forth because they didn't reach the ground. Her dark brown hair was tied in a messy ponytail and her Amber eyes watched me intently.
Hi. I waved to her and she waved back. Dr. Rose walked into the room swiftly.
"Hello, Zach. We removed the glass in your chest, head, and arms." She said cheerily.
"Mark?" I ask my voice hoarse and dry.
    "Died at the sight." She replies.
    "Okay." Is all I say. Mark had been like that crazy uncle who would do anything to give you the time of your life. He was always there if I needed him and then he's gone? Just like that? Gone.
     Dad won't let me out of the house ever again huh? I ask Ginny playfully but already knowing the answer.
    No. She clarifies. I won't see Holly for a lot longer than id hoped.


Authors note!
Longest chapter I've ever written! Almost 2000 words! XD So how'd you like Zach's POV? I'll probably start his every other chapter or something if the sort so you know what's going on with him and Holly. ENJOY!

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