BAD BOYS(1D fanfic)-Will Go To Prom With Me-

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Chapter 16

Louis' P.O.V

I watched her walk away "Caitlin wait!"I said aand ran after her I finally cought up with "Caitlin uhm I want you to go to prom with me"I said "Well I'm sorry I don't believe you asked me the right way"she said "Oh uhm"I said then cleared my throat and the added "Hello beautiful would you like to go to prom with me"I asked "Okay then were going shopping after school dress shopping and tuxedo shopping"She said "Great I love shopping"I said "Okay so uhm see you after school"she said then walked into a class room I smiled to myself then felt a hand on my shoulder I turned to see Liam "Hey uhm I need you to come with me"he said "Uhm where"I asked "Look I am going out with Amaya I know its weird bu-"I cut him off "Its not weird if you feel right with her then I'm happy for you and I think I like her friend Caitlin"I stated "Okay good lets go to a place that sells flower's"He said "Okay"I said then walked out the school and off the school campus and we then went to a flower shop I bought Daisy's and Liam bought purple tulips we went to the conter to pay Amaya must have really cast a spell on Liam cause he payed for me aww Liam is in love he isn't a baby anymore




By the time we got back to the school it was already break yes we diched a couple of other classes aha but oh well Liam went straight up to Amaya and they kissed I wish I could do that to Caitlin.....

Liam's P.O.V

I kissed Amaya and it felt amazing we stopped kissing "Hey uhm would you like to got to prom with me"I asked "Yeah i'd love to"She said I smiled we kissed again our lips synced I began to smile and then felt very happy that I was with her we stopped kissing and we held hands and she rested her head on my shoulder and we walked past Sophia she just rolled her eyes and punked Amaya although Amaya didn't care she just flipped Sophia off an we continued holding hands and walked together

Nisll's P.O.V

Me and Alesha were officially together and we were having lunch together I would love to see Alesha in a prom dress she would look stunning although she never really showed her skin I always see her wearing a long sleeve shirt and I don't really know why "Hey love why don't you ever show you beautiful skin"I asked "Uhm I don't really think its uhm lets eat"She hesatated I began to worry I pulled her sleeve up and seen many scars its eather she self-harms or she gets abused at home she looked at me with a sad face she then ran away it seems as if she was heading to the girls bathroom Amaya ran after her I knew Amaya knew and that's wen I went after them




I got to the bathroom and Amaya shoved me againced the wall. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER.!.!.!"Amaya yelled at me "I just pulled her sleeves up what happen to her why does she have thoes scares..?"I asked "She self-harms you wouldn't understand cause people like yo Liam and the rest. of the boys are so perfect"Amaya said I then seen a tear slide down her cheek then she went into the bathroom "Wow"I said "Amaya is right"Liam stated I agreed "I know"I said "She has scares on her arms too"Liam said witch really hurted me that the boys and I picked on them many times before now I feel terrible what if they cutted themselves because of us.....Alesha came out of the bathroom I hugged her "I'm sorry"I said she hugged me back "Please go to prom with me and stop hiding your skin because your beautiful and please no more cutting love"I beged "Okay and yes ill go to prom with you"She said Amaya came out "Take care of her Alesha and the rest of the girls are like sisters to me"Amaya said Liam then put an arm around Amaya's waist and they began to walk away

Zayn's P.O.V

I walked alone I didn't want to talk to anyone or hang out with anyone I missed Perrie but I'm sure she is happy with other people I seen Brianna witch was odd but made me feel happy inside really odd ._. Anyway I walked her way and she smiled her smile was very gorgeous to me I smiled back "Hi"She said "Hey"I said greeting her back "Feeling better with the whole break up thing"She asked "Totally"I said faking a smile along with my lie "That's good by the way your a terrible lier"She said then she laughed I laughed to because I found that funny she cought me in my lie "Uhm Brianna uhm I've been wondering if you would like ti. go to the prom with me"I asked it took her a while to answer but then she finally did "Sure uhmm thay would be cool at least I wont have to go by myself since the restt of the girls already have a date see Amaya is going with Liam Niall and Alesha are going an Louis and Caitlin are going and Harry and Hillary are going"She said I was suprised.....really surprised "Okay well now Zayn and Brianna are going"I said then laughed......

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