Photo Albums- Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Photo Albums

Liam POV

She's been in her room for 3 days now and refuses to come out. I can't help but think that its because of him. I know West said she has feelings for me but what about him? Does she have feelings for him now still? She can't love me if she still cares for Zayn...

How could he do that to her. How could he just rip her heart out and break it. He's suppose to be her friend, and how could he do this to me? He knows she is basically my only chance of becoming well human and for God sakes look at her she's perfect. The way her smile can just light up a room in 5 seconds, the way she laughs, the way her hair falls, even her without make up is perfection.

I walked over to her bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Come in." A soft voice said. You can hear the heartbreak in her voice. I opened the door only to find her sitting on her bed looking at a photo album. I walked over to her bed and sat on it right next to her. She looked up at me and smile weakly. I smiled back at her and looked down to the photo album it was pictures of her and Zayn, and then her and the rest boys.

She flipped threw the album and there were more pictures of her and Zayn. They were laughing, and they looked like they were having fun. I noticed behind one of her pillows there was a Kleenex box and some crumpled up tissues.... she was crying. 

Finally she stopped at a page and it was filled with pictures of me and her... I smiled at the memories that I shared with her. When I took to see her mom, the dinner in the dark restaurant a few weeks ago, but mostly of here at home. "I like this one the best." She said happily while pointing to a picture of me and her while I had my hairy arm around her and we were just smiling the night we watched Harry Potter, I wasn't looking at the camera though I was just looking at her and her bright smile. "Ya I think that's my favourite one also." I said smiling. She flipped the page once more and there in the middle was a picture of her and Zayn; Smiling. He was looking at her and smiling, the same smile I had on my face the picture before.

I shot up. I must talk to him.

"What's the matter Adam?" Bella asked.

"Um... Nothing I just wanted to know.... if you um... wanted some um.... breakfast?" I lied. She looked over at the time and then out the window. She looked at me with a strange face.

"It's 8pm and you want breakfast Adam?" She asked. My eyes went wide. Think of a lie...think of a lie.

"Um.... ya you know breakfast tastes good at any point of the day...." I said while rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

"Um... ya sure I would love some breakfast for dinner." She laughed. I just nodded and went towards the door. "Oh and Adam." She said I turned to look at her.

"Thank you." She smiled.



I left and walked downstairs to make breakfast. I barley even like breakfast.... a lot of the foods you eat for breakfast were eaten with spoons.

20 Mins Later

I brought up the breakfast to her bed room and once I reached the door I heard her. She was singing but you can hear that she was crying also.

Snowwhite said when I was young,

"One day my prince will come."

So I'll wait for that date.

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