Are you Dyslexic Harry?

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Harry's POV

I hate school. It was never a fun place to be. I could never understand the work. No one would help me no matter how much I tried. I just don't. Understand it I think. I don't even know myself.

Lore: "Harry can you read this next for us?"

I heard the class groan and honestly I was on their side. I felt like I rolled my eyes so hard I could see my brain. Well I would if I wasn't so convinced there was nothing in there.

Lore: "Don't give me attitude Mr Lewis."

I looked up at the teacher as she stared at me. What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? Ugh.Keep your mouth shut Harry you don't want to get into any more trouble in this pathetic place. I let my head fall and hit the table I was sitting at.

Lore: "Mr Lewis head up."

I was starting to get sick of this. Why me? They know I can't read. They know I don't understand what they are fucking talking about. Why do they keep trying to force me into shit like this. I wish I was at home and didn't have to worry about this. I'm never going to do any of this normally. I had a YouTube channel with a few of my friends but I'm the baby still. Me and my friend Vikk were the only ones still in school. Even though Vikk was in his last year. They all helped me when they could if I came home with work I hadn't already finished at school. I tried really hard to get it all done. I really did. But there are sometimes things that can't be done without help.

Lore: "Harry can you read now?"

Harry: "Both everyone in this class and myself would rather I didn't. You know I can't do it.Why do you bother?"

Lore: "I just stated I will not take this type of attitude from you young man. You can stay behind after school today for half an hour."

I heard some laughing from the room. I start to wonder whether the school actually cares about it's students when shit like this happens.

Brett: "Or you can stop being a bitch of a teacher and actually try to help him. Have you thought about that or did you decide when you started teaching here that you were going to make it your life goal to be a complete cunt to a student and make their life hell just so you can get some brownie points."

I turned around to see the brown hair of the new kid. I think he started here maybe a week ago?I can't remember. He was alright. Lonely and shy but he was nice. I hadn't had much to do with him but I know Landon and Lachlan were some of his friends. Lachlan was in Vikk's year and I'm pretty sure those two had a thing going.

Samantha: "Brett's right. Every lesson we have you treat him like shit. And this has been going on for a lot longer then he has been here. If your going to continue to be a complete bitch then I'm not going to let you do it anymore. He doesn't deserve any of the shit you give him and we all know it. Harry is a beautiful young man who needs help with his work. Not for the teacher to treat him like the dirt stuck between their toes. Now if you will excuse me. I'm going to see the principle because I've waited too long to make a complaint about the way you single him out and treat him like shit."

Samantha was beautiful.Her long blonde hair looked like it was crafted from the silk of gold. She wasn't the thinnest person in the school but she was beautiful. I remember her from my Sports classes. She would constantly try so hard and push herself to show that she can still keep up with the guys physically. She was honestly Inspiring with how much she helped everyone or tried to keep everyone happy. She must befriends with Brett. Samantha stood up in class and grabbed her bag before proceeding to walk out the door. No one had ever stood up for me like that. The only ones that helped me were the boys. And that was because we all lived together. They made sure Vikk and I didn't have a proper job while we were studying. YouTube was different but that could only be done after we finish all our work. Hence why my channel has dropped a bit. We heard the bell ring to signal the end of class. I stayed in my seat while everyone else had started to pack their stuff and walk out. I felt a hand on my shoulder lightly.

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