Chapter 33 || Year 5

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Draco's POV-

She sprinted past me, her bushy brown hair flying behind her as she tried to escape from the Inquisitorial Squad, especially Millicent Bullstrode - the Slytherin female that could pass of as a guy with her muscle size and strength - who vowed that she would be the one to catch the Gryffindor princess.

I moved my foot slightly to reposition myself, but it caused a small squeak to echo in the hallway around us. Hermione abruptly stopped running and whipped her wand out, going in her natural fighting stance. Her eyes roamed over her every surrounding, the brown orbs making sure to analyse every small detail of each object lying in that hallway, but that also meant that her eyes landed on my crouched form.

"Malfoy," She said bluntly, keeping her wand aimed at my face whilst narrowing her eyes.

"Go," I whispered, unable to hold her intense gaze.

She didn't budge, but I saw her fingers clench around her wand even tighter than they were before. I knew she was still mad from the day I docked point from her house, but I knew it was more than that. Once again I called her that name that breaks her on the inside, but even though I hated to admit to myself, it broke me; regret always consuming my body after I see that glint in her alluring eyes.

"Hermione, go now, before someone else catches you," I pleaded.

"Why should I listen to anything your pathetic mouth tells me to do. And who are you to try to help a mudblood?" She spat back, inching closer.

"Granger, this is no time for our pointless fights. You need to get away now! Bullstrode's literally attempting to sniff you out, and you know what she's like when it comes to fighting. She acts like a muggle, a very dangerous one might I add. So I advise you stop trying to find an argument and get the hell out of here," I ordered.

Hermione looked momentarily stunned before the ghost of a smile flew across here features and her wand lowered. She quickly turned around and began to jog away but stopped, turning around once again.

"Thank you," Was all she said with a smile as she started jogging backwards around a corner, but right as she turned around, she ran right into the arms of the vicious Slytherin female.

"Well, well, well. Guess who caught you mudblood. I guess your not as bright as everyone assumes you are," Millicent sneered, walking back around the corner with one arm around Hermione's neck and the other pointing a wand to the back of her head.

I groaned inwardly and was about to throw a wandless curse at Bulstrode but stopped when I saw the slight shake of Hermione's head, telling me not to knock the Slytherin witch out cold for the next week. I turned around without a word and walked towards Umbridge's office, knowing that the rest of the wanted D.A members would've already been captured, but when I walked into the office, was mildly surprised when all I saw was Potter and Umbridge.

"Take his wand," Umbridge barked and Millicent was quick to snatch it out of Potter's robe pocket, "Take hers too,"

I glanced up at Hermione who tensed and instinctively held a tighter grip on her wand. She laid her brown orbs on mine as I walked closer to her, neither of us breaking the contact as I came closer to her. Her face, especially her eyes, were neutral as she put up her defence mask, one that was strong enough not even I could read through her.

"Trust me, Granger," I whispered in her ear, gently taking her wand as I stepped back.

We gave each other a brief nod but we're both interrupted by Millicent handing me Potter's wand. She walked up to Hermione and pinned her against the wall; the brunette wincing slightly. Right as I turned around, the other members of the Inquisitorial squad walked into the room with prisoners of their own.

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