Old sins cast long shadows

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When I got back to class, I noticed that everyone seemed a little off and I felt like someone was watching me. I shrugged it off and kept listening to Yagari yammer about something and didn't worry about it. When class was over, I was one of the last ones out when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw Senri smiling at me,


He asked, offering me the candy. I smiled at him before responding,

"Sure, thanks." 

I said as I went to grab it. Before I could he took it and held my chin up,

"Please. Let me." 

He said in a flirty tone as he gently set the piece of candy in my mouth. I smiled and took it, blushing slightly, 

"Thank you, Senri." 

I said as he smiled and took my hand. I squuzed his hand slightly and the two of us walked out and back to the moon dorm. When we got back Akatsuki and Aidou were sitting in the common area arguing about something. It seemed to be getting pretty intense, 

"What's going on!?" 

I asked as you walked over to them and glared at them. They stopped and looked at me like deer caught in headlights, 


Hanabusa said as he sat back down, glaring at Akatsuki as he sat down as well. I sighed as I excused myself upstairs to my room. When I got there I saw Kaname sitting on my bed looking very angry about something, 

"Is everything okay?" 

I asked cautiously as he got up and walked over to me, stopping just in front of me so that our lips were almost touching. His tone was dark when he spoke,

"Did he touch you?" 

I looked at him in confusion before responding,


I asked, totally confused,


He spat, as if the very word disgusted him. I shook my head,

"He didn't hurt me if that's what you mean." 

You said as he narrowed his eyes,

"That doesn't answer my question. I smelled your blood during class. Tell me what happened." 

I sighed and explained to him that Zero was in pain because his body rejected the tablets,

"I didn't want him to suffer, so I let him feed off of me."

I explained. Kaname's eyes flashed red with anger as he moved my hair to see where Zero had bitten me,

"How dare he taste you."

He said as leaned down and kissed my the spot where Zero had bitten me. I was slightly surprised at his actions, but made no move to stop him as he continued to kiss my neck,

"Unlike zero, I will restrain myself from tasting you until you're mine."

He said as he pulled back from my neck and leaned in towards my face,
"Kaname what are you--mmph!" 

You said as his lips descended onto yours with a burning need and fiery passion. At first I didn't respond due to shock but quickly recovered and slowly kissed back. When he pulled back he smiled and whispered, 

"Thank you, Y/N. that's all I needed to know." 

He said, kissing my forehead and walking out,

What did he mean by that? 

I wondered as I got ready for bed. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard a soft knock at my door

"Y/N are you awake?" 

The voice asked. I slowly got up and walked towards the door and opened it to see a familiar blonde vampire,


I asked in confusion as he nodded 

"May I come in?" 

I nodded and let him in. Once I closed the door i turned to him, 

"What's up?"

I asked as I turned to face him. He didn't respond as he gently pulled me towards him,

"I wanted to continue from where I left off earlier."

He whispered against my lips before claiming them with his own in a gentle, sweet kiss. When he started to pull back I gently grabbed his neck and pulled him back to me as I kissed him again. I realized then that I had fallen for his charm as well. He's so kind and gentlemanly, but beneath that he cares deeply for those around him. His green eyes drew me in when I first saw him and captivated me. His hands slipped around my waist as mine found their way into his hair and pulled slightly earning a soft sigh from him,


He sighed as he kissed me again. When I pulled back he smiled,

"Y/N, I think--no, I know--I love you. I'm in love with you." 

He said as I blinked a few times, taken aback by his confession before smiling at him. Before I could answer however, a loud boom interrupted the moment. We exchanged worried glances before we hurried downstairs to see a face that I hoped never to see again.

The face of the angel who betrayed me. 

Is this love? (Vampire Knight x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now