The Bathroom Stall|Note Seventy-Eight

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Note Seventy-Eight

From Jacklyn Wuertz To: Cora Roberts

Hey! Where are u and Tucker?

Sent: 10/5 12:35 p.m.

"And so she was saying something to me but it was really dumb." Tucker finished, putting down his half-eaten sandwich on his plate.

"Yet you laughed like an idiot." I smiled and responded to Jacklyn's text.

"Hey! Don't call me an idiot." Tucker muttered, giving me a quick grin before he took another bite of his food.

The day after the dance, Tucker had come knocking on my door, a plate of brownies in his hands. He had stayed over for two hours, making sure that I was okay after what had happened with Sam. For some reason, I wasn't upset as I probably should have been. I had forgiven Sam, who kept texting me and apologizing, and I had gotten back onto good terms with Terrence after he confessed into being the Creepy Stalker and explaining everything to me.

Tucker had invited me to coffee that day as friends only, and we had had a good time at Starbucks. As of now we were just friends; I wasn't ready for any relationship yet, as the whole school year had left me slightly distrusting of boys.

Terrence from across the cafeteria waved at me as he approached his own lunch tale, and I responded with a wave. 

Tucker had been mystified as to why I was back onto good terms with Terrence, and after I had explained the whole Creepy Stalker deal to him, he had muttered something about his being totally creepy. That had made me laugh.

"Hey guys!" Jacklyn said from behind me, slightly breathless as she placed her backpack on the table. "I just finished my bio test. It totally kicked my ass."

On Monday, I had confronted Jacklyn about the thing with Sam, and she had confessed to trying to set me up with him. She hadn't known about the whole bet until I told her, but as usual, I accepted her profuse apologies.

Sam and I weren't really talking yet, although sometimes he would sit at the same table at lunch, mainly because Tucker had started hanging out with Jacklyn and me.

From: Creepy Stalker To: Cora Roberts

I can see you

Sent: 10/5 12:37 p.m.

Smiling, I quickly typed a reply before listening to Tucker and Jacklyn discuss something about the process of cellular respiration.

From: Cora Roberts To: Creepy Stalker

Haha, I really need to rename your contact. That was actually kind of creepy.

Sent: 10/5 12:37 p.m.

Checking the time on my phone, I stood up quickly, shoving it into my back pocket. "Hey guys, I gotta run. See you two later."

I took the long route to the bathroom and made sure that it was empty before I slipped into the last bathroom stall that still read out of order. Closing the door behind me, I looked at the words-covered door. There were at least thirty questions on there, stretching all the way to the sides of the stall. I reread all of my own responses, smiling a little at my bitter replies.

Slowly pulling out a bottle of cleaner and a rag, I spritz some liquid onto the cloth, hesitating for a second, before beginning to scrub the door clean. This was the end.


Hey guys! ONE MORE NOTE AND BS IS COMPLETE! Would love to hear your response below! Also, I just posted my new story, XXI, a science fiction romance, on my account and I would REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it if you could check it out! <3

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