Chapter 34

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I want to understand you Lucy...

I went out my unit and push her doorbell like there is no tomorrow.

"Lucy, open this f*king door!" I yelled while knocking really hard at the door until she opens it.

"Can you stop it Natsu!" she said but I let myself in and closed the door. My heart is pounding with anger and I might be losing my mind. I pushed and cornered her against the wall.

She seems mad yet scared at the same time. "Lucy, you know I don't understand you. You're acting different from what you supposed to be." I said

"What I'm supposed to be?" she said

"The Lucy I know is strong willed, kind, and invulnerable."

"Is that what you really see in me? But that's not how I really am."

"Lucy! What's wrong with you? Why won't you tell me that you are having a hard time? Why won't you tell me your problems? Why won't you let me help you?!" I barged her questions she didn't even care to answer.

I put my hand down and let out a sigh. She's not even looking at me. But why are you making such a face? Why are you holding back your tears? What's stopping you from saying anything?

"Lucy... Can I ask you one last question? Do you even loved me? Please... just answer this question and I'll leave."

"Natsu...I'm sorry."

"A simple question that is answerable by yes or no has been answered by an apology. I get it now." I said and left her unit.

"I know you're lying Lucy, and I know that you'll come to me, when the time comes."


Lucy's not herself, so I need to give her time and ask her again. I hate this! I really hate this! Why am I feeling this way? I know Lucy is not any ordinary girl, she's unlike the girls I've dated in the past. She's making me feel pathetic of being oblivion of what's going on around her.


Normal POV

after a week

"He's still not back is he?" Gray asked Lucy in their classroom while waiting to the teacher to arrive. Lucy looked at Natsu's seat with worriedness in her eyes.

"No." she said cheaply

"We already did everything to find him. We tried calling him but he's not answering, we tried asking his parents, but they also don't know where he is. We tried searching the place he always hangs out, but still no sign of Natsu." Jellal said

"It's been a week since he's gone." Erza said

Everyone is worried of Natsu's sudden disappearance. They don't even have a clue what happened to him. All they know is that Lucy and Natsu got into a fight the night Natsu disappeared.

"I'm sorry everyone."

"Lucy... You have nothing to be sorry about." Erza said while rubbing Lucy's back

"It's Natsu. He's acting like a kid running away from home from just a lover's fight." Gray said

"Hey Gray! It's the first time Natsu acted this way. Didn't you even notice how much he has changed? I don't think the old Natsu would do such as run away. Maybe it's just a small lover's quarrel for our point of view but I think it means more on those two." Jellal said and Lucy stood up and exited the room. They all followed their gaze at her and Erza followed Lucy.

"Lucy! Lucy wait up!" Erza rushed to Lucy's side and grab her shoulder.

"I'm sick of Jellal!"

"Jellal?! Why him?"

"Erza, I'm sorry. I want to be alone for now." Lucy said and continued walking

"Lucy... is there something you're not telling me?" Erza said in monotone just enough for Lucy to hear. She looked back at Erza with tears falling in her eyes. Erza was surprised to see Lucy's tears and walk up to her and embraced her. Lucy cried on her silently and just pats her head.

"I knew all along that you have a burden inside of you. I'm your friend, but why don't you trust me? If you won't say anything, I can't help you with it." Erza said

"I trust you Erza, but it is not something you can fix."

"Whatever it may be, how hard it is to fix, I'll stay by your side."


Lucy's POV

I went home after talking to Erza that night. I tried ringing the doorbell just to check if Natsu's home already. I am not losing hope but I feel so empty that he's not here beside me. And I really want him to be with me tomorrow. I'm such a coward for lying to him, for pushing him away. I'm sorry Natsu.

After pressing the doorbell for the 5th time, the door opens, revealing Natsu in a towel. I was surprised to see him but not in this state. I looked at him from head to toe and he's dripping wet.

"Oh! Lucy I just came out the shower I'm sorry I didn't get the door earlier." My face heated up and I think I'm just about to pass out.



Short always...Hahahhaha I don't think the last part is appropriate for the chapter but I've had enough of the drama. I want to give you guys a little bit of joy. (Chicken Joy) XD LOLOL!!! JK I'm not really sure of the chapter. I'll wait for your comments and reactions and I'll base there if I'm going to change it or not. Ciao.

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