Chapter 35

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Going back a week ago~

Lucy's POV

After Natsu left my unit I went to my room and get my phone. I saw a missed call coming from Jellal. I call him back and waited for him to answer.

[Hello. Lucy.]

"Why did you call?"

[I have something to tell you.]

"What is it?" I stood up and walk to the balcony and just stare at the sky.

[Sting...he's here.] he said

"What? What is he doing here?"

[Lucy, I think it's the best if you two get to talk to each other.]

"What is it this time Jellal? Once you set us up is already enough."

[I think it's better to hear it from him. Just hear whatever Sting will say to you okay? And I'm sorry because I gave him your address.]

"Seriously Jellal? Do you really need to do that?" I caught my head with my palm. He is really getting on my nerves.

[I don't have a choice. He keeps on insisting to spill it to him.]

"I already have so much in mind and you are just---" I cut midsentence because the doorbell just rung.

"Don't tell me it's him?"

[I know I may be meddling too much already but please just hear him Lucy. This time I'm just thinking of what is good for you. Goodbye.]

Jellal hang up the phone. I rushed to the door and looked at the monitor.

"No one is there..." I slowly open the door and looked left and right but I don't see anyone. I decided to go out and stepped on to something in front of the door.

"An envelope?" I picked it up and my name is written on top of it. I opened it and read it. It's such a short letter that pinches my heart. I immediately went to Natsu's unit and ring his doorbell. "Natsu! Are you there?" I said and knock on his door but he's not answering.

I went inside the elevator down to the lobby and looked everywhere for him. I stumble upon a security. "Are you okay Lucy-san?" he asked

"Did-Did you see Natsu?" I asked him catching my breath

"Natsu-san? He left just now." he said while pointing to his direction

"What? Did he say where he's going?"

"No. But he brought quite a lot of luggage with him." Damn it Natsu! I went outside and tried to look even though I knew I won't be able to see him. I don't even know why I'm trying to catch up to him, my body is moving on its own.

I curse in the air with frustration and crumple the letter he left me. "Lucy, sorry if I scared you earlier. If you want me to disappear, then I'll do as you wish. –Natsu."

I feel empty as I stand looking at nothing outside the building when a taxi cab stops before me. It might be someone who lives here. I turn around and about to go inside, when someone coming out of the taxi called my name. "Lucy!"

I look back and my eyes where wide open when I saw him. "Lucy..." he called again but I just froze all of a sudden.

"Wh-why?" my voice is cracking as I speak. "Why are you here, Sting?"

"I'm sorry for coming so suddenly but can you please her me out?" he said

"Why would I listen to you?"

"It's about your arrange marriage." What? How did he know that?


"Can't we talk somewhere?" He said and I agreed coming with him in a near coffee shop.

I came to my senses and returned back to my composed self. "Answer me why are you here and how did you know about my fixed marriage?"

"I'm not going to beat around the bush and tell you straight and clear. Lucy...I...I'm your fiancé." He said that startled me


"Well not really fiancé but just your partner for this arranged marriage bullsht. I know this whole thing is ridiculous enough that I know you can't even bear to hear.... After what I did to you..." he said with frustration at first. I remained silent trying to absorb all what I'm hearing from him

"What are you angry about? Is it because I'm the one you're going to marry? Or are you angry because of your shame that why of all people it has to be "you" is that it?" I said in a pretty calm way restraining my anger inside of me.

"Lucy I—"

"Ah! It's the latter isn't it? You left the country without telling me. I tried to contact you and retain our connection but what did you do? You ignored everything I sent you! .... And when the moment you responded, what did I get? "I'm sorry."?...You know someone told me that 'A relationship is a communication that involved both parties. No matter how much one party tries there's no point if the corresponding party has no intention to return' ... And do you know what happened after that? Jellal who is one of the people I trust, didn't even tell me about it. I overheard him and Mystogan talking about you having a new relationship with someone, and... that you are happy...while here I am suffering because of the wound you gave me....But you know, thanks to you, I've became the person I am now..."

"Lucy, that is why I came back to apologize properly to you. I don't want you to be bothered of the past with me. I also want you to find your own happiness."

"Happiness? Hahahahaha! That's the last thing I want to hear from you. Just because something is in the past, it doesn't mean it goes away. Do not take me for granted. Not again. I'm not even concern about this fixed marriage so... go back to where you came from and never show your face to me again." I get my things and leave the shop. I walked briskly tried to keep my composure heart is bursting of anger that I started to cry.

I've lost enough to never need another lesson in heartache again.


To be continued...

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