Chapter 39

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Natsu's POV

After Zeref wins our race, we returned back to his store. Whenever we take a vacation here in Miyagi, I often asked my Uncle to come here in Sendai to visit my favorite bookstore. I became friends with the store keeper's son, and that is Zeref. He's 5 years older than me; I consider him my big brother and often visit him whenever I have a problem.

"So what brings you here?" he said while throwing a water bottle towards me.

"Thank you." I said and chuckles "As expected of you." I drink from the water bottle. It's been a while since I've been exhausted like this. Zeref sits at his chair at the counter and starts to scan for books.

"Well you only visit me when you need something." He said taking a book from the shelf.

"That's not true! I haven't visited you in a while because of school." I said in a defensive manner. Zeref is calm and collected but he can be a little bummer when it comes to his negativity.

"Alright, I get you. So what is your problem this time? Let me guess, it's a girl right?"


"Ah! So I was right! You don't have to be surprised that I already know. It's the same as always isn't it?"

"It's different this time. She's not like any girl I've dated before."

"You say that all the time. I can never understand you. Whenever you like a girl, and she hurt you, you'll get revenge on other girls' plays with them like a toy or your past time and hurt their feelings. Why don't you straighten up and be a man!" He said as he closes the book he's reading and slams it on the counter

"..." I can't even reply to that direct confrontation

"Don't expect me to be nice all the time. I know you are here to ease the weight on your chest right now but I don't really like the way you do things. I got a call from your uncle and your parents are looking for you."

"Please Zeref don't tell them that I'm here."

"I won't. And I told you remember that I'll let you stay here."

"Thank you as always Zeref!" I said with brimming gratitude in my eyes

Later that night, after I took a bath Zeref prepared a meal for the two of us. It was a quiet meal and he hasn't asked anything else after our conversation.

"Um..." I said getting his attention as I put my chopsticks down.

"What is it?"

"I know you are angry of my ways of doing things, but can you please here me out." I said and he just nods while continuing his meal.

I told him everything about Lucy, her problem she can't tell me, and about our last fight. Zeref stays silent as I tell him my story. He finished his food the same time I finished my story.

"Natsu, is this Lucy really that important to you?"

"Yes... but I don't think it's the same for her."

"So you just run away without confirming her true feelings for you? Yes, I know she told you to disappear. I also know you asked her a bunch of times, but are you really just going to give up and run away from her just because she said so?...Are you always going to be this week and just do whatever she tells you to do? I thought you want to bring back that smile on her face? Are you just going to give her to that person that took that smile from her? You said that that person came back declaring that he's her fiancé right, does that make any sense? I don't think so...."

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