Never Be Alone

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Hello again!

The song for this chapter is one the title already gives away, "Never Be Alone". That video ^😭😭😭😍😍😍

I would also like to thank you so much for reading. Here on Wattpad, I feel like I am not alone in this. Just by reading the comments, I realize that there are people just like me, who understand me. And that just makes me so happy! So thank you so much for that!


Sadie's POV:
"Shawn, I just wanted to make sure of something." I open the bag that was slung over my shoulder, and take out his leather jacket. "Are you sure you don't want your jacket back?" I say, and he chuckles at this.

"Yes, I'm sure. I have other ones that are very similar. Let's do this. You put it on." He says, taking the jacket from my hands and sliding it on my arm. "And this way you will think of me when you wear it." I slide my other arm in the jacket.

The jacket stayed huge on me. I think the problem were the sleeves, which stayed too long. He reached them, and started rolling them up. After I did the second one, I look up, and find his eyes staring back at mine, making me get lost in them, as I always do.

"If it is that the reason, then what do you have so you can think of me?" I ask without thinking.

"I don't think I need anything to think of you Sadie." He says. What does he mean by that? I look down, catching a glimpse of a shiny metallic object inside my bag. I take it out, and realize it is my keychain, a small silver guitar. I take it from where it was and give it to Shawn. He takes it and then looks at me, smiling. "Thanks. This is perfect." He looks at it, and carefully, puts it in an inside pocket of his jacket.

Silence fell, both of us lacking sleep. Yesterday we had stayed up until 4, enjoying our remaining hours together. We all had bought loads of food in the pharmacy downstairs, either to make a stock and take it back home as many things I could find here in the U.S. I couldn't find there, or to devour it in our room.

It was so much fun. I loved the fact that Shawn went along so well with my friends. We reached this point in which Bailey was whining over the fact that she wanted so much to marry Leonardo DiCaprio, and Shawn was trying to make her feel better by saying that he wasn't that much in real life. We also played never have I ever, which would have been a very obvious loss for Bailey and win for me, unless we hadn't ganged up and attacked Shawn with statements like "never have I ever had a huge arena full of people singing along to one of my own songs"

Due to that, Shawn and I decided to just hear music on the long way to the airport, sharing my earphones. Even though I said it only made sense that we should hear to the songs on his phone, we ended up with mine, and he sometimes chose some specific songs. He had put one arm around me, which made me rest my head on his chest.

I would normally get unsettled by the funny looks people sent us, but I didn't care. I was just clinging to this last bit of him I had, before I was left with a digital Shawn for I don't know how much time. His arms around me and the sound of his steady heart beating under my ear soothed me and made me believe more and more that he would keep true to his word that he would visit me the first opportunity he got.

I hugged him slightly tighter, thinking about how things would be. I felt his eyes on me so I looked at him, and with the sad smile he gave me, I knew he was thinking about the same thing. I smiled back, while he also tightened his grip on me slightly.

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