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I am mad like fuming mad and I don't know if I want to continue this story anymore. My friend warned me of this and I didn't listen and now it has happened. My story has been stolen. Someone took my story changed the names copied word for word and posted it as theirs! It's one thing to be inspired but to blatantly copy everything word for word line by line? Seriously???

What makes me even more mad is for those who read the first version of my book before I changed the beginning chapters she also copied those word for word.

Ahhhhhhhh I'm mad and I'm not even sure what to do I shall post this chapter and maybe unpublish this book I don't know I'm just mad right now. This is something I invested so much into even at a time where I was being observed and tested for cancer which thankfully I don't have, vulnerable and sick gosh I am so mad!!!

thank you so much @Swance123 for posting on my feed and alerting me!

That's the book...

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