Under The Weather [Minizerk]

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When Josh is sick with stomach flu, Simon would do anything to make him feel better. He would even come home early from his night out with the rest of the Sidemen and risk getting sick himself, in order to take care of him.

Word Count: 1297 Words


Simon buttoned up his shirt and tucked it into his jeans before he crossed the corridor to Josh's room and approached the younger older boy's bed, where Josh was sleeping. "Josh?" Simon called, shaking his friend slightly. "Josh, wake up."

Josh groaned and turned over, opening his eyes and squinting as the light poured into the room. "What is it Si?"

Simon's heart ached when he realised just how horrible Josh sounded. "You know, I don't have to go out tonight. I can stay with you, we can watch films or something -"

"Go out, have fun. I'll be fine," Josh croaked.

"Are you sure you're okay though?" Simon asked, slightly apprehensive about leaving Josh on his own.

Josh sighed, pulling up his duvet to his chin. "I'm just feeling tired, don't worry about me," he protested. "You don't want to stay here all night - I'll probably end up making you sick! Go out and enjoy your night with everyone."

Simon was still hesitant, but he agreed reluctantly when he heard JJ yell from downstairs, "Simon, we're leaving, hurry up!"

About half an hour had passed and the Sidemen, minus Josh, were in a club in London, about ten minutes away from the Sidemen house where Simon, Josh, JJ and Vik lived. Harry, Ethan and Tobi had taken a taxi from Stratford and were accompanied by Tobi's younger brother, Manny.

Vik was at the bar with JJ, ordering another round of drinks for the group. Tobi, Manny and Ethan let out loud laughs as a drunken Harry finished telling them about how he almost got arrested for jumping into a swimming pool naked when he was younger. 

Simon laughed half heartedly. How was he supposed to enjoy a night with the guys if his best friend wasn't there with him? He missed Josh, and wanted to make sure he was okay.

Before Harry could start another one of his stories, Simon slipped off his bar stool and stood up, pulling a hand through his hair. "I think I'm gonna call Josh," he mumbled, giving in to temptation.

He really didn't want to leave Josh alone at the house, but he couldn't take the look that that his friend gave him when he whispered how he didn't want Simon to miss out because of him. One look at his guilt-filled expression and he felt his chest tighten - even after he had tried assuring his best friend that he didn't want to go out without him by his side.

He pulled out his iPhone from his pocket and called Josh. The phone rang a couple times before Josh's rough voice rang through his ears, momentarily calming the aching in his heart before he realised just how sick Josh sounded.

"Si?" he croaked. "I though I told you to have a good time out with everyone? Why are you calling me?"

Simon couldn't help the protectiveness that leaked into his tone. "I thought you said you were fine? You sound like shit, Josh."

He heard Josh laugh before he went into a coughing fit. He cleared his throat before he began to speak again. "I didn't want to worry you," he whispered, "I just wanted you to have a good time."

"Well now I'm worried," Simon huffed.

"Don't be," Simon could tell that Josh was putting up an act. He was clearly suffering more than he was originally letting on. "I'm sure it's nothing, I'll be better in the morning."

Simon shook his head and began jogging in the direction of the Sidemen house. "Well I'm coming back anyway," Simon replied breathlessly as the apartment came into view.

Knowing there was no way of getting Simon to go back to the club, Josh sighed. "Please hurry," he whimpered, before he felt the familiar tugging in his stomach. He hung up after the words passed his lips and dropped his phone to the ground. He hurried to the bathroom before bending over the toilet bowl and vomiting. It came out with heaves and whimpers, burning his throat in the process.

This wasn't the first time he'd gotten stomach flu and by now he knew all the symptoms. His usual routine was the sore stomach, the vomiting which lead to a sore throat, then the hours of sleep that would wake him to a headache. Honestly, he felt like shit and didn't want to worry his friend.

He spat into the toilet, before he wiped his mouth and crawled away from the vomit sluggishly. He heard his phone ringing from back in his bedroom, but by the time he had dragged his body as far the bathroom door, the call had gone to voicemail.

The vomiting had exhausted his frail body and the cold tile felt cooling on his heated cheek, so he didn't bother moving from his position on the floor. Soon enough, the fatigue pulled over him and he passed out.


Simon almost crashed into the front door as he fumbled to slide his key into the lock. He finally managed to unlock the door and he pushed it open with caution. Countless possibilities were running through his mind of why Josh had hung up, and had failed to answer his second call.

He had sounded exhausted and the pleading in his last words had hurt Simon's heart.

"Josh?" No response.

He slid off his jacket, tossing it on the floor. After letting out a deep breath, he made his way upstairs towards the older boy's bedroom. He was about to call for Josh again but his heart nearly fell out of his chest when he spotted the familiar head of dark hair lying on the floor.

He fought back a sob as he rushed to Josh and crouched down next to where Josh was laying. Simon turned him onto his back, placing Josh's head in his lap with shaking hands.

"Josh? Josh, please wake up!" He pulled his fingers through Josh's hair with a little more force than needed when he heard no response. "Josh? God, no. Please. You're not dead, are you? Josh!"

"Shhhhh," Josh mumbled from beneath him. "Tired."

Simon choked out a wet laugh, slapping himself mentally for over exaggerating. "Thought you were dead," he whispered, before sliding one arm behind Josh's knees and another behind his neck.

He stood up and walked his friend to bed, not taking his eyes off him for a second. Josh nuzzled his nose to Simon's shoulder in his sleep, murmuring quietly before he was placed down on the mattress. As soon as he came into contact with the bed, Josh rolled over and made himself comfortable.

Simon held back a laugh and he turned to leave the room to let Josh rest, but Josh's croaky voice stopped him. "Simon?"

"Yeah?" Simon spun around to face his friend.

Josh''s cheeks were rosy, and it was clear that he had a temperature. "Stay with me?"

Simon didn't even have to think. Sure, he'd probably end up getting sick too, but he'd to anything for Josh. Simon lifted the duvet and slid into the bed beside the sick boy. Josh instantly nuzzled up to his chest and Simon wrapped an arm protectively around the older boy.

"Much better," Josh murmured tiredly. "Love you Si."

Simon's heart swelled. He reached out to turn off the side lamp. Once they were in complete darkness, Simon pulled the duvet over them and Josh snuggled back into his best friend's protective hold. "I love you too, man."

At that moment, held against a warm chest that belonged to the boy he loved more than anything, Simon didn't care if he'd end up getting sick too. As long as Josh was safe and he'd be able to care for him, he would be just fine.

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