Chapter Twenty Seven

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I tap my foot against the ground and tug on my hair. Shoes clonk against the ground and stop as they reach me. I shift my gaze from the worn out floor to Adam.

"How's Marley going?"

"The machines started beeping, so they kicked me out. I can't get any updates because I'm not family." My hands shake, but I take a deep breath to reign myself in. Exploding won't help.

"I'll see what I can find out/"

Adam wanders to the nurses desk, but I can't see their faces to know what's happening. When he turns around, there's a bright smile on his face.

He bounds towards me and leaps into my arms. We collide against the wall and he smashes his lips against mine.

"She's still alive."

Shocked to the core, I blink a couple of times.

"She's alive," I mutter.

"Can we see her?" I ask.

I can't leave until I hear those stupid beeping machines.

"They aren't letting anyone in there."

I drop into the plastic waiting chair and rest my head in my hands.

"I need to see her."

"Go home and sleep, Trent. You've been out here all night. I'll call you as soon as I hear something from the doctor's, okay?"


I'm hesitant to give him a hug, but I push aside those feelings and pull his body to mind. I wrap my arms around him and then head towards the elevator without speaking.

I'm just going to have to wait for her; I'll always wait for her.

* * * * *

Two weeks pass, that's fourteen days and too many minutes and seconds to count. Nothing has changed with Mars. I glance at my alarm and sigh. It's nine thirty in the morning and I'm late for training.

My phone beeps and I groan.

'Call me now.' – Adam.

Adrenaline pumps through my system as I battle to hit the phone button. The phone rings for the longest time until Adam's voice crackles on the other side.

"Marley's awake. There are some complications, but she's on the road to recovery," he explains.

"What complications?"

"She doesn't remember anything, but the doctor said there would be a good chance she could eventually remember things. Maybe not all, but a good amount."

"Can I come and see her?"

"My parents aren't allowing any visitors, not even Sarah. They don't want to upset her."

"I'll be down in forty."

"Thought you'd say that." He chuckles.

I end the call and leap out of bed, I grab the first t-shirt and shorts I can find and hurry down the hallway and I tug them on.

I leave a note in the kitchen and hop into my car. Finally, things are looking up.

* * * * *

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