Chapter 5

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Peregrine Falcon: Fastest Animal in the Air. Can go up to 241.71 mph.

Lucy's POV

I growl louder. "I told you! I don't know where he is! He's been gone for ten years! I've been searching! The connection is gone! I might of passed him on my way here! NOW LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE!" "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I think your lying. We have no choice but to take you by force." I growl then my eyes glow red. "Lucy, what's going on?" I glance at Erza. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I'm Subject 4563B. My Other Half has gone missing so I've been searching for him. Me and my other half are the first experiments to live. So they want to keep us like a trophies. Isn't that right Dr. Kikuo?" He smirks. "Classified information. Now come with us." I growl. I'll just fly away. I wont let them drag Natsu in this. "Lucy!" I narrow my eyes at Dr. Kikuo. Natsu, Jellal, and Gray ran outside. "What's going on! What's the meaning of this?!" Jellal yells. Dr. Kikuo smirks. "Even better." The men point their guns at all of us. I growl. Do they recognize Natsu?!

"Subject 4563B! Your friends will be killed if you don't come with us!" They don't recognize Natsu, thank god but why? "Fine." I raise my hands in the air and walk towards him. "Don't do it Lucy!" Dr. Kikuo chuckles. "Wise choice. Now we'll find your Other Half." When I'm directly in front of him, I smirk and kick him in the nuts, then he falls to the ground. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" My eyes turn black, even the white parts. Long white wings with black spots shift out of my back and tear my shirt. White and black spotted tail feathers grow out of my lower back. My feet turn into birds feet from the knee down. "Lucy..." I look at Natsu. Then I mouth. 'I'm sorry' I flap look up, crouch, then shoot myself in the air before anyone can blink. I look down at everyone then at Dr. Kikuo who slowly stands up. "ILL KILL YOU BITCH! SHOOT HER!" The men shoot at me but I quickly fly off, going as fast as I can.

I stop an hour later and see myself over some tall buildings. I'm probably miles away by now. I land on the tallest building and shift out of my Falcon form. I bring my knees up and sob. Why can't I just get him back and live in peace? Why me? I'm just a monster. I wipe my tears then stand up. "Damn you Alvarez. Why wont you give up? What's your plan!" I shake my head and then smirk. "Come and get me if you can. I'm waiting."

Levy's POV

I look out the front door's window with the others with me when Lucy transforms. I widen my eyes. "Lu-chan..." She looks toward Natsu and mouths 'I'm sorry.' I wipe at the tears flowing out of my face when she flies away when they start shooting at her. Damn she's fast! But how! How can she do that!? The men quickly pile in the helicopter and fly in the direction after her. I cover my mouth. "Why Lu-chan? What did she do?" Gajeel pats my head and grits his teeth. "As bunny-girl said, they want them as trophies or for another reason. I can only guess." "What would that be?" I look up at him. Wendy gasps. "Gajeel-san! You cant be thinking that!" He growls and nods. "Yes, that" "What's that Gajeel?" Romeo asks. Gajeel looks out the window, where Natsu on his knees and sobbing while yelling. "WHY! WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME!?" Gajeel grits his teeth and forces his eyes to look at me. "To repeatedly breed the experiments into a superior race to populate the earth."

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