|screams & bickering

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Song Chapter: Shadow Preachers by my Queen Zella Day

This song is very special to me because it's beautiful and I love Zella Day, every lyric I can relate to, Hate, Family, Depression, Every mental health that i have, Fake friends they make me hate, cry, scream, so this song is very beautiful and special to me because I can relate to every lyrics In The song, my favorite lyrics from there is the one that says "if I stop trying, we start dying" 👣


After they finished taking pictures of his foot, the X-ray tech wheeled him back to the examination room where he laid waiting for nearly thirty minutes by himself. He tried not to stew over what was keeping Laura from coming back to see him, but instead made use of the time to figure out what he needed to do or say in order to break through her tough little facade. He didn't mind the chase, not at all actually. If she wanted to give chase to him he would enjoy it, but it was the kill he was after, especially because it was her.

He watched as Laura, the doctor and the female soldier that checked him in all came walking towards him together.

"I have some good news and some bad news, Sergeant Lynch," Sydni spoke. "The good news is that you haven't broken any bones. The bad news," she hung up his X-ray and turned on the light, and pointed to the deformed image of his big toe. "Your first distal phalanx is dislocated from the metatarsal phalangeal joint and I'm going to have to put it back into place."

"My who did what, ma'am?"

"The bone of your big toe is out of joint and I'm going to have to pop it back in." She looked to Laura and Liz and nodded her head. "I want you each to take a side and hold him down for me."

"Wh-why do they have to hold me down?"

Laura giggled internally at his nervous expression. He had no idea.

"Trust me, Sergeant Lynch. I'm not going to lie to you and say this won't hurt, but it needs to be done and then you should be fine."

The two girls took a strong hold to his forearms with one hand then leaned their weight onto his chest with their free arm. This would be a fucking wet dream come true, having three pretty girls pin him down to a bed if it weren't for the fact he was about to have pain inflicted... and not of the kinky variety.

"On my count of one..." Sydni began slowly and watched the girls press into her patient harder. "Two..." she took hold of his toe and ankle respectfully to get ready for the jerking motion that would reset his bone.

Laura leaned her mouth towards his ear and whispered so only he could hear, "Scream for me, Ross."


"ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHH, FUCKING HELL!" He broke out into a cold sweat and felt as if he might pass out. The pain was beyond anything he'd ever experienced as it made his heart race and his head light.

"That should do the trick," Sydni spoke confidently. "I'll need another X-ray to confirm the bone is back in place. In the meantime, Private Marano will you wait here until he's ready then wheel him back down?" She threw Laura a quick wink then left the room with Liz in tow.

Turning to Ross, she actually felt bad for him. He was deathly pale, eyes closed, panting heavily and sweating from the pain. She opened one of the steel drawers that held some medical supplies, pulled out a white cloth and proceeded to drench it under the run of cold water in the nearby sink.

Ross's eyes flew open the second he felt something cold and wet against his forehead. He looked up to see Laura dabbing the sweat from his face and head carefully with a look of genuine concern on her face.Was that all it took to get her attention? My being in pain? He smiled at her and spoke in a ragged breath still filled with pain. "Care to kiss me and make it better?"

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