#26 - Email

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#26 - Headcanon - Email


   Mike has an email that nobody else knows about. He sends it emails every now and then, each email either a memory or story he experienced or an update on his own life and thoughts. He does this because it's his own way of recording his existence, and one day he plans on giving it to someone he trusts more then ever. He'd tell them that if anything were to happen to him, they could log into that email and have access to all of the stories and memories and thoughts that Mike recorded down. 

   Mike has been doing this for years, long before he even dated Jeremy. It's helped him when he had nobody to vent to or have listen to him. 

After getting married to Onity and Tyler, he gives the email to them, but doesn't tell them what it is. He just says don't open it unless something bad happens. The two worry about it for a little, but agree to respect Mike's wish and do not log into it. 

Onity is the first to die, and is able to detect his own passing a week or so before it happens. He logs in and reads the emails, and all he can think about is how much he loves Mike and how he is one of his favorite humans. He especially loves the emails Mike wrote when he and Tyler had started dating. 

Tyler never logged into it, having no idea that he was going to die when he did. In fact, he sort of forgot about the email. 

Mike has always continued to update it, never really having a scheduled though. He even continues to update it after Tyler passes away. He decides to give the email to his nephew/niece (Rose/Gavin's child) before he passes away himself. 

In the AU where the trio have a child of their own, Mike would give their kid the email before he passes away instead. 

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