Chapter 132 - Madman/Genius

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Audrey left a little while after that, she was seeing the show tonight, and was a little more than ecstatic. I was walking back upstairs with Rory.

"I need to see the show again." I said, absentmindedly.

"Yes you do." He said smiling, "how many times have you seen it?" He asked.

"Only twice. I know that sounds crappy, most people haven't seen it at all, but come on, mi abuelo has seen it 16 times."

"Wow. Well then." Rory laughed a little, "I'm sure if you just asked your dad he'll get you tickets. He's the kind of dad that likes to spoil their kids."

"Yeah, he's already spoiled me." I rolled my eyes a little. "iPhone, I don't even have to pay for service, nice watch, they buy all my clothes, took me to see Waitress, don't worry he's most definitely spoiling me."

"I want a kid to spoil." Rory whined, "maybe I can talk Gerold into having small ones."

"Small ones are the best." I smiled.

"Until Gerold agrees to adopt a small adorable baby child, I'm spoiling you, and until small adorable baby child reaches a spoil-able age."

"Are you going to name it 'small adorable baby child'?" I asked.

"Of course, I'm sure G would be all for that." He smiled, and opened the door to his dressing room.

"Mijaaaaaa!" Lin yelled, stretching out the a. "Hey kiddo." He smiled.

"Dad, look what Audrey gave me." I handed him the collage.

"This is either really sweet or really creepy." He said, "I'm going with sweet. We can put it up in your room when we get home." He set it down, "and she framed these for you?" He asked picking up the framed picture of the two of us, when we first met.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Well, I'm keeping this one." He smiled, and set the frame on his table. I looked around his dressing room quickly, and saw a couple of other traces of me, a picture of me with my adoption certificate was taped on the mirror, one of Vanessa and I, on his bookshelf, and a newspaper article about the adoption tacked up on the wall. "Thaynes looking for you, by the way, says he needed help with something."

"Thanks." I smiled, and turned around, leaving the room. I was like, 2 steps out of the room when I saw Groff. My face lit up.

"Hi sweetie." He said, giving me a hug, "long time no see, how have you been?"

"Great, how about you?" I asked.

"I've been good." He tousled my hair a little, "I've missed you peanut."

"I've missed you too." I smiled, "are you gonna go make out with my dad now?" I asked.

"Oh gosh child." He blushed, "not you too. We've kissed twice, and he kissed me first." I was doubled over laughing, "I'm just making this worse, aren't I?"

"Yes, yes you are." I regained my composure, "congrats on your nomination, by the way." I said.

"Thanks peanut, I'm going to go say hi to your dad." He started to open the door to Lins room, "and no, we're not going to kiss. Because he's straight and he's married to a woman!"

"Yes I know, Groff I do live with him."

"Mi amor!" I heard Lin yell, and I shook my head, knowing that Groff just  walked in.

I know I was supposed to look for Thayne, but I actually did have a job, I was on the official pay roll, I (technically) could get fired, I mean, Lin would never fire me, especially not for this, but I'm trying to keep a low profile, not cause any issues.

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