The Bathroom Stall|Note Seventy-Nine

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Note Seventy-Nine

Dear Bathroom Stall,

I spent thirty minutes today reading all of the questions and all of your responses, and I have to say, you seemed pretty bitter about some things. I don't know what your story is, but I'm sure I can relate to at least some of it.

I think some of the things you said were wrong; everyone can get a happy ending, it just takes some time.for them to get there. Sometimes, there's ups, sometimes there's downs, sometimes there's secrets, and sometimes life just wanted to throw a curveball at you.

But I promise, even if your situation may seem awful, of if you're in an awful situation and you don't even know about it, everything will eventually turn up, and you will, even though it sounds completely cheesy, eventually get your own happy ending.

For those of you who come in and find the stall washed clean, just remember, everything happens for a reason. Keep that in mind. I promise what I'm saying isn't complete BS.



And that's a wrap folks! I would really appreciate it you could leave me some feedback as to what you thought of the story, and don't forget to vote! 

Lots of love,


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