Jumping Ship

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Harry's POV

Harry: "What the fuck are we going to do?"

Simon: "I don't know. You started it. You go fix it."

Simon stormed off up the stairs to his room. I couldn't blame him. Everyone had been hating him and sending him threats and everything under the sun. It was horrible. I've been with Vikk for well over a year now. He was so beautiful. He was my own little curry ball. And we were both pretty open with our viewers. We didn't want to lie to our fans and they all loved it. I would read quite a lot of fanfiction because I loved how creative the world could be. It was a nice and respectable creative outlet. Aside from the really heavy shit. Vikk won't reply to me and Simon is getting so much shit from that fucking kiss. I kissed his cheek. And all hell broke loose.

JJ: "I'm staying out of it."

Harry: "Yeah man. I know. But I don't know how the fuck I'm going to fix this. I can't make a video because people will think I did it just to save Simon'sass. Vikk's jealous as all fuck about it and won't talk to me. It was harmless. A single thing and it's blown up to whatever the fuck this is."

JJ: "Look mate. We all know that it was nothing. But it's been everyone else that has blown this out of proportion."

Harry: "Exactly. It's everyone else's problem. It's not mine. It's not Simon's and it's not Vikk's. It's killing me. I just want to talk to him."

JJ: "He is just upstairs you know that right?"

Harry: "If it was that easy I would have done so by now."

I sat on the couch just thinking about it all. Thinking about what happened and how much pain it honestly caused me. I hated that I couldn't just talk to Vikk. I know he would get jealous. But this was getting out of hand. I don't think they knew how much it affected me as well. I would get mentions on Twitter so fucking much. My friends and family are wondering what was going on. And I knew I would never be able to live it down. I'm still a kid. I don't deserve this. Vikk was still 20. Simon was older again. I'm still a kid. And it's absolutely bullshit. It's been going on for so long. At first we thought it was hilarious. The banter was light and easy at first. And then it just all of a sudden went crazy.Everyone thinking I was cheating on Vikk. Simon started getting threats to just leave the Sidemen just because of it. Simon hated me. Vikk became jealous. Ethan and Tobi started to believe it and they stopped talking to me unless they didn't have a choice.

Harry: "I can't keep doing this."

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I honestly. Really didn't want to see what it said. But me being the curious teenager I was. Couldn't stop myself.

Lachlan: "I believe you."

Landon: "So do I Harry. Also hi. I'm Preston's cousin."

Harry: "Hi."

Preston: "I don't think you would ever do it on purpose to hurt Vikk. Your too happy with him. No one that happy would ever deliberately hurt another person. It wouldn't make any sense."

Rob: "Preston nailed it. Look Harry if it get's too much. Your more then welcome to come and stay with any of us. I'd be more then happy to help you out."

Landon: "We have the office here in Texas."

Lachlan: "Australia is always home for you and anyone else. Plus I know Jay really wants to meet you. His boyfriend has got him hooked on your videos. Ok that's a lie. Michael's friend got him hooked. Then he got Jay into you. And yeah. Ok probably not the best idea to come here I take it back but the offer is always there."

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