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*When I say football, I mean American football. There's no need for any extra comments about it. It's just American football.*

Alexander went to his business communication class before heading over to the football field on campus. He went ahead and changed into his practice clothes with all the other guys and waited for coach to call them all out. The first thing they all got to do was go on a run which he didn't think was that bad but then they had to do conditioning, which was bad. After conditioning they all spent the rest of the time playing the game with coach yelling at them the whole time.

He enjoyed his sport, that's why he was playing professionally. He's Alexander Vince and the Quarterback of the Kamden Vikings at Kamden University. Right now it was the off season and they were just doing very frequent practices.

After practice Coach Kaine dismissed everybody but kept Alec there to speak with him. As soon as they were dismissed Coach started the conversation as though nobody was listening.

"Alec, you were good today but I couldn't help but notice the expression on your face every time you go to throw the ball. We both know that it's still possible for you to re-injure yourself so if that shoulder is causing you problems you should really get it checked out. I'm going to be getting a student PT down here to watch the practices and help you boys out if any of you get hurt-"

"I don't need a physical therapist." Alec insists stubbornly.
"Well I'm getting one down here just in case, if not for you then for somebody else. You know practices are starting to get harder and your team is ruthless even when it comes to each other." Coach Kaine tells him in his very deep voice.
"Still don't need one but you can do what you want." Alec tells him irritatedly before walking away.

He expected Coach to call him back over and yell at him for being disrespectful and walking away, but he didn't. Alec didn't want to think about his injury, in all honestly he was just putting it on the back burner and hoping to never touch it ever again.

So his shoulder was hurting him, big whoop. He was a big boy and he could take the pain, not caring much about it. It really wasn't necessary to have a PT especially since they would be there mainly for him. Coach tried to make it seem like they'd be there for everybody but nobody else has had an injury that was important or endangering their careers. Football was all he wanted and he didn't want some stupid old injury to ruin it.

Alec went back to his apartment after this and he was still irritated. He took a shower and he could hear the girl next door start playing her music and singing. Surprising himself he knew the first song that she was singing.

"Is it weird that I know this song?!" He yells out to her.
"No, I personally find it very inspirational!" She calls back.

They kept singing together until the song changed. He began wondering about her since he's never seen her before but her voice was amazing; he couldn't help but try to talk to her.

He yells again, "So you're a Fallout Boy fan and a Fight Song chick fan?!"
"Her name is Rachel Platten and yes I am a Fallout Boy fan!" She shouts back to him.
"That my dear is very interesting." He says to himself normally.


A/N: So this is a shorter chapter, I know and we had a little view over Alexander's life... Or Alec, it's just easier to call him Alec.

The whole 'Kamden Vikings' is completely made up, maybe it exists I don't know. In America -if I'm not mistaken- college and university are the same thing but in Europe it's different. I think you go to university out of high school and then after university you go to college but I don't think it's required. Feel free to educate me if you want.


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