chapter 12

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I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I wore the outfit I chose for tonight, a maroon skirt and a black top that lets be honest had a lot of cleavage but I wanted to impress Cole.

Him and Dylan were in the kitchen talking when I walked out. When they turned towards me both of their jaws dropped. "Oh fuck!" Dylan exclaimed. Cole smirked and walked up and kissed me. "You look beautiful" he said gazing into my eyes. "She looks better than beautiful!" Dylan interrupted. We rolled our eyes at him.
When we got to the party there was music blaring and people dancing everywhere. I grabbed Coles hand "come on let's drink!"

I grabbed two cups and Cole filled mine with vodka and cranberry and his with bourbon and coke.

The night went past quickly, I danced for hours. I realised I hadn't seen Cole in a while so went to look for him. I found Dylan and asked if he'd help me. I asked one of Coles friends where he was and he told me he went into the spare bedroom upstairs. That's strange.

Me and Dylan found the spare bedroom but when we opened the door we found Cole kissing another girl...

I couldn't speak. I couldn't comprehend what I watched right before my eyes. I turned and ran out of the house, pushing past countless drunk college students.

The front lawn was covered in red cups and people passed out I found my self going
to sit on the sidewalk. I couldn't think anything I felt completely empty. I felt sadness, anger, regret, stupidity. I saw someone sit next to me out the corner of my eye.

"I don't even know what to say." I heard Dylan whisper. "But I punched him in the face for you. You can expect him to come running after you in a few seconds."

He was right "y/n! Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking at all" he sounded desperate but I didn't reply, I just stared at the road. "Please please please understand, I was so out of my mind." Dylan stood up from his spot next to me "of course you were out of your mind Cole! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Cole didn't reply but Dylan kept yelling. I didn't want to hear about this anymore so I stood and began to walk down the street. "Y/n where are you going?" Cole said running after me. He stopped in front of me but when I tried to walk past he hugged me. "Get off me Cole" I said in a low, stern tone.

The last thing I remember was walking back into the party and hammering down as many shots as I could pour.


I woke up with the biggest headache and instantly ran to a bathroom in the bedroom I was in. I threw up and washed my face. Why the hell happened last night? I remember what Cole did and I can imagine that's exactly what I tried to forget.

I walked out of the room and realised I was in Dylan's house. "How are you feeling?" I jumped in surprise but instantly felt like crying. "Absolute shit."

I sat down on the sofa with my head in my hands. "What the fuck happened?" Dylan sat across from me "well after you know.. You drank way too much but there was no stopping you so I just stayed with you until you passed out." Dylan said with a slight chuckle. "Ugh I didn't hook up with anyone else did I?" "Well no but what would it matter? Surely your not going back to him." "No but I don't want a rebound, I just want to be alone" I said leaning back on the sofa. "Oh and please don't hit me with that 'I tried to warn you' bullshit." "No I wasn't going to but your welcome to move in with me because I'm assuming you need a place to stay." I smiled at him gratefully.


I took a deep breathe before walking into my apartment. I knew Cole would be here but I had to pack my things as soon as I could.

When I walked through the door and looked around the place was a mess. Alcohol and cigarettes everywhere. I heard Cole in his bedroom but I walked straight to my bedroom and closed the door. I started grabbing all of my things and shoving them in my suitcase. I heard a loud knock at my door "y/n please let me talk to you." I didn't reply.

I finished packing and opened my door. Cole was standing there looking horrible. His eyes were heavy and I couldn't tell if he was drunk or hungover. "What are you doing?" He asked concerned, looking at my bags. I pushed past him and headed straight for the door but Cole blocked it. "You can't leave me please, at least talk to me."

I looked up at him and his eyes were pleading for my forgiveness. I sighed "what could you possibly have to say?" "I cannot tell you how sorry I am. I didn't have any excuse and I still can't expect you to forgive me but I'm begging you not to leave me. I looked down, I wasn't going to let his beautiful eyes win me over. "No one deserves to feel how I felt when I saw you with her.." My voice cracked in my last few words. Cole looked as if he didn't know what to say.

I couldn't be near him anymore, I felt so much anger towards him. I turned a grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels that was on the counter and took a large sip. I have no idea what possessed me to do this but everything felt better when I drank. "I'm sure you will be fine." I pushed him aside and headed off campus to Dylan's car.

When he saw me with the bottle of bourbon he raised his eyebrows. "I figured it wouldn't hurt as much." I answered his unspoken question with a laugh.


Oh my god what am I doing. I swear I didn't plan the story like this. But I'm also trying to end it with Cole not being a complete asshole obviously.

Anyway please vote I appreciate it so much honestly. And also 2k reads what 😍

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