32: Past & Present

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Before coming to the states I lived in the same house in London for sixteen years. My mom's best friend, who lived next-door to us, had a daughter the same age as me. Our families were very close and we grew up together. We did everything together. She was called Piper.

We were best friends our whole lives until we were twelve and I finally had the guts to ask her to be my girlfriend. I had always had a crush on her but I didn't think the feelings would be reciprocated. I remember being surprised when she said yes. I was also so excited to be able to tell my friends at school that I had a proper girlfriend.

I had known her and her family my whole life so I didn't have to worry about meeting them or getting to know them. It was easy. Piper was the last official girlfriend I had. I dated her up until I up and left my hometown and moved to the states. I was seventeen and at the time, I felt like she was the love of my life. I was gutted that I had to leave her.

Sure, I've dated a bunch here and there since moving here. Some even lasted for a good bit but it never got serious enough to meet the family. I never had to go through any awkward meet the family dates or worry about making a good impression- until now.

Now here I was, standing in the lift with Addison and her brother. I could tell her brother meant a lot to her so I'm sure his opinion would have a huge impact on her. I wanted to make a good impression on him but I wasn't sure I was off to a good start.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt her wrap her hand around my bicep. My eyes fitted down to hers as I studied her. I couldn't help the pace of my heart as I did so, her beauty never ceasing to amaze me.

"You're beautiful." I leaned down and whispered, my mouth close enough to her ear for only her to hear my words. I straightened up, watching her as a blush crept over her usually pale skin.

Our moment was cut short by the opening of the lift doors. We all exited, making our way out onto the street. Sutton, Louis, and Ollie walked ahead while Addison and I lagged a step behind.

I knew we should be walking in step with them and making conversation but I didn't mind neglecting them a bit and focusing on Addie. I thought she was pulling away from me completely so I was so happy to have her back by my side.

"Maybe if I stayed here long enough, I'd lose those 10 stubborn pounds I gained in college." Ollie joked, causing Addie to shake her head in laughter next to me.

"Don't get any ideas pal," she shot back.

"You're right, I don't think New York could handle two Anders." They laughed in sync and I couldn't help but notice the similarities in not only their laughs but also their facial expressions while they did so. They sort of reminded me of my sister, Gemma, and I.

We continued walking and I often found myself falling silent while the others chattered about. My thoughts were clouding my head. Addie must have noticed, tugging on my arm and bringing me back to reality.

"You okay?" She asked, her face filled with concern.

"Yeah babe, I'm fine. I just want your brother to like me." I replied, reaching for her hand. She gripped my larger hand in her smaller one, squeezing gently.

"He does, don't worry about that." She reassured me with a smile.

"What's going on back here?" Ollie interrupted. I instantly began pulling my hand away from Addie's but she held on tighter, not allowing me to do so.

"Nothing much mate." I muttered, realizing after how stupid I must've sounded and internally kicking myself for it.

"Ollie, don't be annoying." Addie said, causing him to laugh.

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