Chapter Twenty-Four

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I groaned and slowly opened my eyes, feeling blinded by the light which was streaming in through the gaps from the curtains.

I looked at what I was sleeping on and it looked like a human's chest.

Wait, this was Nate's chest.

All my confusion disappeared and then I remembered what happened last night. After my little crazy mood about him leaving we had a little small talk and then because Nate didn't feel like going home and his sister was by his grandad's house, he didn't wanna leave so we ended up going under the covers in my bed and fell asleep while watching a movie. I guess I should just make the best with him while he was still in my life.

My head was resting against his chest and his arms were draped around my waist, holing me against him.

I shifted slightly to look up at him and seen that his eyelids were open slightly and he looked to be deep in thought.

I moved my hand, which was wrapped around his torso, and poked his cheek. His gaze dropping down to me and the frown on his face dropped and turned into a small grin.

"Hey you're awake." He said and placed a soft kiss on my forehead, making my heart flutter.

"No I'm still asleep." I said sarcastically.

He lightly chuckled at my comment.

"For how long were you awake?" I asked him, subconsciously drawing patterns on his shirt with my fingers.

He moved one hand from my waist and gently stroked my hair with it, making me even sleepier than I currently was.

"Pretty much the whole night." He said casually.

I frowned. "Why didn't you sleep?"

"Couldn't get sleep." He said and continued to stroke my hair.

I lifted my head up from his chest and faced him. He was staring of into space but when I looked at him he turned his gaze to me.

"You okay?" I asked him, feeling concerned about him.

Just before I fell asleep last night he looked fine and like his normal self but no he looked like how he did when he first came; dull and nervous.

"Yeah I'm good." He said and gave a small smile which looked forced.

I sighed. "Nate stop lying."

He gasped dramatically. "Victoria Aldaine, are you accusing me of lying?"

I rolled my eyes at his crazy behaviour. I knew it was just a façade that he was putting on.

"Nate, I am serious." I said sternly.

He smirked at me. "So am I sunshine."

I shot him a glare and hit his shoulder. He winched at my hit.

"Talk Elington." I said in a demanding tone.

"Bossy." he muttered under his breath which earned him another glare.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "It's just been troubling that I actually shot someone. Even though the bastard deserved it, it's just troubling me that's all."

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