Chapter One-Prologue

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Chapter One

I gaze into the mirror and fix my hair for the 18th time this morning. I am careful to make sure that I look absolutely perfect for my first day. "Taehyung-ah, come eat something or you'll be late!" I heard his grandmothers voice ring up the stairs. "Yes halmoni!" I called back down stairs looking at myself one last time before exiting the bathroom. Once I am sitting at the table, my grandmother speaks up while I ear, "Aish Taehyung, you look so handsome. Make sure you meet a pretty girl!" when halmoni said this, my cheeks flushed with red. "Halmoni, I have to focus on my studies."

"Ah yes studying is important but don't forget to have fun. You deserve to make friends." my grandma told him with a smile as she continued to eat her breakfast. I gave her a faint smile back and quickly finish eating so I could gather my stuff together for my first day. My grandma was my favourite person in the entire world and I lived with her as my parents travelled a lot. I didn't mind too much though because she always gave me treats and cared about me no matter what I did. I love my parents as well but I hardly know them because I only see them twice a year these days. Today I was starting my second last year of high school at a private academy near Seoul. I don't understand why my parents would make me change in the second last year. I had many friends at my school in Daegu. I hope my grandma is right. I hope I do make friends.

I lug my suitcase downstairs where Halmoni is waiting to take me to the train station. She gives me an excited grin and asks "Are you ready?" I let out a sigh and flash a boxy smile back at her whilst nodding. My dog, Soonsim who was lying down before was now jumping at my side and I bob down and give her all of my affection. "I'll miss you too Soonsimie. Don't forget to remind Halmoni to feed you and take you on walks." Soonsim licks my face and I hug her. Grandma helps me carry my bags out to the car and then drives me to the station. I pay for my ticket and whilst we wait, she goes over and ask if I have everything. "Yes Halmoni, I triple checked everything. It'll be fine." I give her a reassuring smile as I see a tear escape. "Halmoni...! I'll come visit you as often as I can and I'll call you everyday. I promise." The truth is, I was more worried about her. All she had was me and Soonsim. And I was unwillingly leaving her.

"Now boarding, Daegu to Seoul." The speaker announces so I stand up and give my grandma a big hug. "Make sure you look after yourself Taehyungie. Make sure you eat and sleep enough and be happy. But Mostly, have a good time. I love you Taehyung." "I love you too Halmoni. I'll come home soon I promise." When she pulls away, I grab my bags and walk towards the train. I find a window seat and look out to my grandmother waving as the trains begins to pull out of the station. I wave back and send her little hearts which she quickly returns. Before I know it. I'm on my way to Yonsei high school.

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