chapter 3

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Whoa I took a while to update I'm really sorry!!! I never knew writing fan fiction is actually kinda hard ">.< well here's the third chapter this is basically what happened in the past 2 chapters but through katsukis point of view, so yeah enjoy c:

*katsuki P.O.V*

I was eating lunch with Kirishima and Denki not really paying attention to whatever the two shit heads were talking about.

I heard Denki gasp " but aren't Shouto and Midoriya dating??" I felt a twinge of jealousy and decided to tune out the rest of their conversation.

I don't care!
I don't fucking care! I honestly don't give a fuck that shit Deku and half-ass are dating!
I don't fucking care!
Alright, Alright! Who the fuck am I kidding...
I do care.
A whole lot too if me wanting to pound half asses face into the ground every time he touches Deku is any evidence to go by.

When did these feelings even start?
Was it when I found out he had a quirk?
Was it when him and half ass started dating?

No.....I've had these feelings for such a long time....but I can't cope with them so I lash out instead and now he fucking hates me.

I felt a pair of eyes on me so I looked up from my bowl of rice and my red eyes locked with Dekus beautiful green eyes,
Even though I honestly just wanted to go up to Deku and apologize for all the shit I put him through my pride wouldn't let me, so naturally when our eyes locked my face turned into its normal scowl and I glared at him.

Red dusted his cheeks when I did that and he quickly turned back around to talk to his shit friends.

I kept my eyes trained on him but eventually I looked away and continued to poke at my rice.

After a while I saw Deku run out of the lunch area, that stupid nerd probably forgot his wallet or something.
We still had about 30 minutes left of lunch but I was done picking at my rice pretending to be hungry so i decided to walk around the school to pass the time, I then gathered my stuff and walked out the door ignoring kirishima and denkis questions about where the hell I was going.

After about 20 minutes of aimlessly walking around I decided to go to the bathroom before class starts, as I was walking towards the bathroom I heard shouting
What did that idiot do now? I thought to myself.

I finally reached the bathroom and splashed water on my face
I seriously need to stop thinking about him!
I've ruined his life enough....

I heard the bell ring so I took one last look in the mirror before swinging the door open, and I honestly regretted it.
I saw Deku there with wide eyes and a distressed look on his face, he Immediately looked at the floor and I saw him clutching his chest.

What the hell is his problem?

"Get the hell outta my way fucking nerd" I saw him freeze up and I felt like shit for yelling at him like that

Something was off about him though.
He didn't back away apologizing like normal.

"Oi deku I said get outta my way" I observed that he clutched his chest even harder and then - mother fucking deku- he pushed me out of his way and ran into a bathroom stall

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